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Ver. 30,3 I. the Epiflle to the Romans. eth hold on Chrift, in whom is all per - fecion ; or it juftiteth as àwork ordai- ned of God, to bathe organicall means to receive Chrilt. Tim. What learn we from hence, [that God it the Gal Of the Gentiles?) S a L. That there were fome Gen- tiles which were joyned to Gods peo- ple, and had their fins forgiven them, even before the general! calling of the Gentiles, after the comming of Chrift. Examples hereof we have in job, and alto his friend ,and Jetbro,Corneliur,the Syropbanician woman forexamples. Ti se. What is it to have God to be our God? S I L. To make a league with us, to beftow all manner of happinefs upon us for Chrift,fowe beleeve. T s M. What are the particular bene- fit; which they have, who have Godfortheir God? S 1 t. Firft, union with Chrift. Se- condly,adoption to be the fons of God. Thirdly,itnputation of righteoufnefle, and forgivenefs of all fins. Fourthly, the fpirit of fats ifcation,together with peace of confcience, joy in the Spirit, hope ofglory,accefíe unto Gods favor. Fifily, all creatures are our fervants, even the very Angels, Heb.1.14. Sixtly, all creatures are at league with us,Hofea 2. I8. Seventhly,affli &ions,yea fins turn to our good, through Gods great love. Eightly, his blef ings are as pledges of his favour. Nin. hly, the Scriptures are written for us, and belong onely and wholly to us, which are in league with God through Chrift. T t M. What was gathered hereof? S I L. That it is a wonderful! mercy to be one of Gods people ; Bleffed are they whole God is Jehovah, Pfalm 144. there is more matter of thankfgiving and joy in this, then in having a world of riches,in being the Eons of Kings and Princes. D t,Y L o o uS XVïII. Verfes 3 o,31. For it it one God whichlhall juffifteCìr. ctancifìon of Faith, and uniircamcifion through Faith. 31. Doe we malte th Law, ere. TltioTHHUS. WHat it the meaning e this verf ?. S i L. By Circünicilion is' meant the Jew; and by uncircumcifron the Gentile. A Metonymic of the ádjuna for thefubje &. Ti M. What then is ittojtef ife Circum. cumcifion of Faith ? S i i. Firft, a Jewis not juftifred, be- caufe he is filéh a one, that is, óne cir- cumcifed according to the Law, but bed. came he beleeveth in Chriff. Ti.i. What underffa:rd ye by jaffif}ing uncircxmcifionby Faith? Si t. That a Gentile is not call off, becaufe he is fnch,tha t is,uncircnmciCed; but having faith to beleeve in Ch-i:, God juffifieth him alto. T 1 x. What follow; of Chia ? S t L. That Jew and Gentile which beleeve have one God, a common God and Saviour to them both. For God is God and Saviour to every one whom he jufifieth. Tail. How cloth the Ap- file from hence conclude his main' argument ofjuffification by faith, twithout work? S s t. Namely thus : that feeing the Jew which had the Law of Motif, had God his God to jufti &e him ( not for the works of the Law which he had done) but through faith in Ch rift; and alto theGentile lacking that Law, yet' by faith laying hold on Chrift, was admitted to the Covenant, to be one of Gods people, and to have God his God, to give him righteoufnefs : thence it follows, that jutfflcation is not by works but by faith, both to Jew and Gentile. Tt x. What infirullion can jee gather from hence? S s L. Even this : that Chrift Jefus through faith, joyneth us in fellowfhip with God, of whatCountrey foever we be. Or this, that as there is but one God, who is a common Saviour of all his people, fo but one way for his peo- ple, be they Jews or Gentiles, whereby to