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Ver. 132. the Epiftle to the Romans. CHAP. IV. D IALOGuB I. Verfes i, 2. What 112311 we fay then, that Abraham our Father bath found concerning the flefh? For, if Abraham our Father were ju fii- lied by work!, he bath whereof to rejoyce, but not with God. T I aQ n uS. Tlat it the drift of this whole Chapt, r? S I L. To prove juftifica- tion to be by faith,by a new reafon fetched from the ex- ample of Abraham. T I M. Hom ffand: the frame of hi: reafon ? S r L. Thus: Abraham as the Fa- ther of the faithfull, is the pattern of ju(lification, to all his feed or children, asiverfe 23,24.Look how Abraham was, in fuch wife be his fèed juftified. Now it is certain, that Abraham was jufiitiied not by works, but by beleeving the promife concerning Chrift, therefore all the children of Abraham are fo jufti- &ed. T I M. What be the part: of this fourth Chapter ? S I L. Two: in the firft, the example of Abraham is propounded unto ver.23. in the fécond, this example is applyed unto the end of the Chapter. Ti se. How ma the example propoun- ded? S I L. Firft, negatively, (hewing how he was not juftified. Secondly, affirmatively, (hewing how he was ju- ftified. Ti M. How war he not jufffied? S I L. He was not juflified by works, which the Apoftle doth prove by this reafon..Abraham had nothing to glory wish God, but if he were juftified by works, then be had whereof to rejoyce with God, therefore not by works. T I M. Ent did hit works gain him nothing*? S r L. Yea,amongft men, and in the account of the world, but no: in Gcds eye. T I M. Why Both he call Abraham Fa. they? S I L. Becaufe of him came the Jews which were his off- T I M. Why dot, he call him , Our Fa- ther ? S I L. Becaufe Paul himfelf was a few, and defcendcd of Abraham, which he do di acknowlcdg- to this end, to decline the envie of his Countrymen, left they fhould think he had not regar- ded Abraham. T I M. Why it the example of Abraham chofen rather then of others ? S I L. Becaufe he was of molt reputation with the Jewes; alto the Scripture had exprefly tea fled of him, that he had his righteoufneffe by be-. leeving. Ti M. What inftruî-lion doe you gather from hence? S I L. That it is a good kind of teach- ing, to teach by examples becaufe tholè move the fenfes. Secondly, of ex- amples, the fittell and molt meet would be chofen, which is a point of wifdome in the teacher. T I M. What io here meant by flefh ? SIL. The exte2 nail works of Abra- ham, as it is expounded in the next verfe, [For if Abraham were juftified by werke, &c.] T I M. What doe ye learn from the next verfe t S I L. Two things : Firft, good workes get, us cOmmendations and matter of rejoycing amongft men. Se- condly, they doe not at all avail us to procure our acceptance, pardon, and relea(è with God , bec.ufe they want perfeaion. For neither doe we all good works, nor with all our heart; nei- ther doe wee continue fo all our life long, becaufe before our time of cal- ling, I07