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114 .An:Expofztion upon Chap.4 things prefent, as the garments of the Fiftly , that ±tiommunicants mull fee and Priefts and the apparellof the Levites. feele their weakneffe of faith, which Secondly, fore be lignes of things to come, as the Rain-bow in the cloudes, Gcn.9.23. edeans fleece, Judg. 6.36. ëlie fhadow of the Sunne, a Kings 2o. ''r s. Thirdly Ionic be lignes of things pall, as the Table of the Law, Manna, Arens rod, which be all monuments of things pa& Laftly, Come be lignes of things pail, prefent, and to core: of this kind be our Sacraments, for they lignifie the death of Chrift, which is Fait : all() the gift of God and the pro- Mires, which to the mindes of the due receivers be prefent. Laftly, pureneffe oflife,mortification,and duties of Cha- city, which afterwards are to be per - formed in the whole court of our life. Ti M. Wberefore,orto what end ferve thefe Sacratnentallfignes? S r L. They arenrftasmarkesfetup. on Chriftiatss,to declare to whom they appertaine, namely,to God their Lord. Secondly, they thew the value of Chri- h ans, as a marke fet upon Coine, or horfes of the heft kinde.Thirdly,they be notes of Religion, whereby men may know a Chrillian from a Pagan, one from the other. Fourthly, they admo- ni fh us of duties required of us. Laftly, they ferve to be feats unto us of the pro - miles ofGod, of the covenant of God, that he will be our God to forgive us our finnes,and account us for jult in his fight: which is here called righteouf- nefs. T t M. Of what . things did this aelmo- vitfb us, or what lefJons from this Text? S a L. Of fündry things: First, of Gods goodneffe, that moved him to give us fuch helps. Secondly, of the in- firmity of our faith, that needeth ftrengthening; and this is a reafon why the faithfull muli all their life nfe the Sacraments becaufe faith is alwaies un- perfe&, wanting props. Thirdly, that Sacraments belong not to the unfaith- full, as to doe them any good, for Sa- craments be effe&uall by faith. Fourth - ly,, that there isnoufe of Sacraments in heaven, where all things are perfe&. may breed delire of flrength. Laftly, that Sacraments are effeetuall meanes, though not to give, yet to confirme grace. For, they have this venue from the ordinance and promife ofGod,who by his Spirit worketh in themeans, not to worke gracewhere it is not,but where it is wrought to eftablilh and encreafe it. Sacraments were inftitutednot to jufti- fie, but for Each as be already jullified. Here are finally three errours to bee diligently taken heed ofto avoyd them. I irft is, of fuch as offend in the excellè (the (Romanifts) attributing too much unto the Sacraments, as that ex (sere ope- rato, by the worke done, they conferre grace, regenerate,, juftiue, fan&ifie, &c. This was to put the creattue inficad of the creator,and to give his glory from him to another,which is Idolatry. If Scripture at any time fpeak thus, that Baptifme wafhcth,forgiveth finne, &c. This mutt be underltood, that that which is proper to Chrift, the thing fignified,is given unto the liigne, to note the joint exhibition of both. Second errour is,of filch as offend in the defe &, making Sacraments but naked and bare lignes of Chriflan profeffion, as Ana- baptists doe; but a kale is more then a cognifance or badge. The third, of filch as held the Sacraments of the old Te- Crament, to be meere fhadowes, repre- fentative, not feales exhibitive of grace; whereas by this Text, and r Col-, io, r, 2. it is cleare, that the fubftance and efficacie of the old and new Sacraments is all one. Thence is one called by the name of the other. DIA LO CUE VI. Verfes I I, 12. That beeJhoufd bee the Father of them that beleeve,not being Circumcised, that righ teoufneffe might be imputed to them alto; and the Father ofCiresemcifion, "not to them only which are of the cireumeifion ;but unto them alfo which walk in the fieps of the