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the Epiftle to the Romanes. becaufe their converfion by his preach- ing (as an Epiftle of recommendation) did commend him for a trueMinifier of Chrift, 2 Cor.33. Secondly, in a pro- per fgnification, it importeth a Letter fent from one to another, to certifie their mincie : fo is the word ufed here." T i M. What meaneth this word [Apoffle ?] S IL. Generally, by it is meant any Meffe nger, as Phil. 2, 25. More efpeci- ally, onefele&ed of Chritt to carrie the mefrage of falvation into the whole World, whereof there were twelve, to whom Matthias was added in Iudeu room e. Ti M. Whatbethe notes ofanApof#le? S I L. Fours. Fitft, to be immedi- ately called by Chrift, Gal. 3. Matth. I,2.Secondly,to bee Pent with Corn- miffion, to preach unto all Nations. Thirdly,to have Peen Ch rift in the ffefh, I Cor.1.2. Fourthly,to haveapriviledge to be kept from error in their Do&rine, Iohn 6.13. To which may be added the fift,to have the power of doing mira- cles, Luke 9.1, 2. Tt M. Who mat this Paul? S a L. A Pharifee by profeiion, a Jew by birth, a moft wicked perfecutor for his pra &ife. Ti M. How was be changed? S I L. By the mighty power ofJe- fus Chritl, who from heaven fodainely altered him, and of a Perfecutor made him a Preacher. From whence we may learne, that none defpaire though they be yet in their f nnes : or being called, have grievoufly fallen. For Paul finned fearefully before his Calling, and Peter after, yet were both pardoned upon their returning to God. T I M. Wby did Pail write to the Ra- manes ? Si L. First, becaufe they were ma- ny of them his Gountreymen according to the flesh, the Jewes then dwelling at Rome in great Companies, Afts 28. Se- condly, becaufe by writing to them, he gave an inaru &ion common to all with- in the jurifdi&iom of the Romans, which was exceeding large, the Roman Empire being then in flourifhing eflate, and as it were the Queene and Miftris of the world. T i M. Why was this Epiffle fa before the refi ofPaulrEpifiles? S r L. Neither for that it was in tithe written before all other, nor yet for the great dignity of the Romane Nation, being then Lords almoff of the whole earth ; nor for the excellency of the Ro- man Church, which conuffing of Gen- tiles, was inferiour unto the Church of the Jewes, who were the Olive tree, others being wilde Olives ;nor yet for the length of this Epiftle, as Come have Imagined: but for the exceeding worth and ufe ofthe matter handled therein. For, befides the maine Article of jufti- fication by Faith, defined; debated, and determined; there bee other queftions and points of Chriftian faith, of great moment and profit. As about the fall of Man, the force of Originali corrup- tion, the reftauration ofman by Chritl, of thefweet and manifold fruites of jua ftifying Faith : alto of fan&ification, of the Croffe and Comfort to them which beare it, of Predeftination, of the Vo- cation of Gentiles, of the breaking off and graffing in againe of the Jewes ; of Good -workes, of Magiftracie, of Cha- ride, of the ufe of things indifferent, of the diverfitie of gifts, and Fun &ions in the Church:So as this Epiftle was upon good refpe& let before the reff, as the Key to open the way to underftand the other,and as a Catechifine or introdu &i - on to our moil holy Religion. Alfo,the moll exa &and accurate methodofthis Epiftle,did deferve it fhould be prefixed. For, after the Promme, he defineth Juftiücation ; declaring what it is, Rom. ¡.16. (and that is held molt artificiali Method, which beginneth with defini- tion.) Alfo he expreffeth the feverall caufes thereof Firll, Efficient. Gods grace. Secondly, Material]; Chrift Je- fus dead, andtaifed to life. Thirdly, the Formal]; our beleefe of the Gofpell. Fourthly,the Final], or end remote; the praifeofGods righteoufnefe; the nee - reft end, our falvation. Moreover, he amplifieth our free ju- ftification by the contrary, that we can- not be juftified either by workes of NI- B 2 ture,