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126 An Expof tion xpon God mani- felted in the death and refhr- teâien of Ch: ill,ls the even or equalob- leß of true faith, which is fo carried to God, as is acknow- ledgeth Chrtll the redeemer, and confi- dendy re* fteth on him dead & rlaed.Lt- das ¡hall have the reward of his malice whenChrilt $all reap eh epraife of hrsLove. Scriptures dead our mindes to God asfo- veraiyne caufe. Iohñ Ì ;. sy.Rom.t. 3133. YCor. r.v Ia¡f.Efa.i 6.7. the death and refurre&ion of our Lord. For Chri(t dead and railed againe, is the thing which a true faith chiefly looketh unto, becaufe there it is that faith findeth matter of fupport, and flay to it felfe. Therefore the Apoftle doch joyne his death and refurre &ion together : becaufe neither his death without his life, nor his life without his death, could any whit availe us to falvation.Hence are they in Scripture fo often joyned together, Pagans can be- leeve,that Ghrill being a man,died, but that he is rifen,they doe not. T r M. Who delivered lefur to death. S r L. ludo for his gaine, the Jewes for envy: Ch rift delivered him- lel fe for his Fathers will to obey it ;God the Father delivered his Sonne, for the redemption of finners,out of his love ; as it is written, So Ged loved the werld,]ohn 3. I B.This laft delivering is meant here: Iudae,Cbrifl,God,did one and the fame thing,but not for one and the fame end; therefore Itedar a fin ner,and God juft. TIM. What woe loomed hence? S I L. That the whole efiicacie of Chritts death,doth depend upon Gods free will and decree; that is, that his death had been of no force to fatisfie Gods wrath,had he not dyed according to the determination of his Father: and this is that which is written, lohn 6.27. Him hash God the Father foaled. Ti M. To what death wet Cbriji deli- vered? S I L. To the moft fliamefull and cruel! death of the Grofíe; his bare death is not onely here meant, but all the miferies of his life,yet his death on- ly is named, becaufe it was the perfe&i- ou of all,and that wherein his obedience moll appeared; the top of his obedience, and Epilogue of his pail-ion. TiM What nerefTty war there of hat deatb, feting he war free fromfin in bimfelfe ? S I L. Although himfelfe had no fin, yet our finnes were all imputed to him, as to our furety and pledge,who was to anfwer for us. But further, this was the end for which he died, that overcom- ming death in his refurre&ion,hemight fully fatisfie for our finnes.For death by Chapeq.,` Gods juft decree, was pronounced the wages of fin, Gen. z. we had Purely fuf: feted it eternally, if our Mediatour had not both borne and conquered it Ti M. What fwwt dothbefpeake of? S r L. Not our light and common in- firmi t ies,but our molt grievous and hai- nous finnes, by the which wee defervc even to fall from the grace of God, if he fhould deal with us idrigour : not his, but our finnes were the caufe of his death ; which fuffered for all, bath ac- quitted us from them all,one and other. T t M. What !cone we from hence? S I L. Very many things: Firft, that Thar we we are bound to love Chrift, who fo may ha.e the fruit of loved us. Secondly, we muff love our chrillh ;, enemies as Ch rift Jefusdyed for his ene dca ,we hies. Thirdly,finne is a mole loathfome flbraham8 thing,being the caufe of Chrifls accur- htdhl'eó: fed death. Fourthly, that there is juft caufe of being humbled by this confide- :`7:1:1 , ration, that we were the meanes offJe- fus death,we killed the Lord of life.Fift- ly,there is matter of great comfort, to heare that our greatest finnes are done away by hisdying for us, for his blood was of infinite value,being the blood of God, Ahh zo. Sixtly, that all men mutt be fearfull to offend God, who (hew- ed himlel fe fo mercifull and fo jult, in the death of his Sonne:juft to his Sonne !landing in our room, but merciful! to beleeving fanners, whom he abfolvech by his Sonnes death : let this mercy lead men to reverence God continually. TIM. Did lefuc remain in death ? S No Curdy, for then hee (hould drift be thought to dye for his owne finnes, had bid in alto to be but a meere man : and there- r n, hr;át fore he role againe, even to declare that net been hee was God, and abfolved from our ,r;rfr;dd' finnes and we in him: for in that death wrarhap- could not hold him in his denne and Va hcon°. houle, that made it manifeft that our gecred,nor finnes which he tooke upon him, were <id ° r` all dilcharged, that we might bee juft through him. This is the meaning of that which is here written, flee rofea gaine for our juffifcation. Chrift is faid to be railed of God, who delivered him, and of himfelfe,for God cloth all things by his Sonne. Ti id.