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Ver. 2. the E pifile to the Romans. and preferved of God,lude 1.5. Sixtly, the coniiancy of the lofe of God, who never reje&eth nor ca( th out fach as once in love he embraceth, John 13. I. Moreover , the faithful! are committed rf the Father to Chrift to bee kept,who being ftronger then all, none can pluck them out of his hands,loh.to. t 8, Laft- Iy,i£any who be truly Quiffs members, and Gods children could utterly fall front God, both the power, & truth,and will of God mule be called in queftion. The ifablenefs of Gods children may be fet forth by chele comparifons. Firfi,of a tree planted by the waters fide, whole fruit and leaf never fadeth,Pfal.i. 2. Se- condly, of a Cedar tree in Libanon, which is a firong and Jailing tree. PEI. 29.12. Thirdly, ofa high andfirme mountain,which is impregnable, not to be prevailed againfl,Pfal.125.1. Laftly, ofa houle built upon a l -ocke, which ftandeth unmoveable againft all wea- ther,Mat,7,24. Tl at. By what means be the faithful l pre - ferved in this a fiate ofGrace? Sl L. Efpecially by the Mini(lery of the word and Sacraments : allo ;by pri- vate prayer and Meditations, allo by conference and praEtife of the word. T e M. Will not this DatIrine breed feeuri- ty in Gods children? S s L. No, becaufe the Scripture which teacheth their ftedfaltneffe, doth allo teach that their owne care and watchfulnefs is required thereunto,as in that laying of Paul, Let bim that 'lands take heed left heefall,i Cor. so. za.!oh. 5.s8. T1 M. What profit is to bee made of this DoElrtne? S 1 L. Firft , an earnest defire to bee in fetch a permanent condition, as in earthly things wee count the molt du- reable. Secondly, a great thankfulneffe to God, who hath fit us info firme an estate of happineffe. Thirdly, Gods Children may arme themfelves with this doEtrine againft the dread; of being utterly forfakea. Fourthly , it will ilk upadiligent heed and looking to our selves to continue in the ace of all good meanea, Ti la. Doth God comínunicate his glory unto hit Saints? , S r L. He doth fo, as it is plaine by thefe words,and Rom.8.29. But where- as the Prophet Efay faith, Hee will not give hit glory to anotber,that is,his effential Divine glory, which is peculiar to him- felfe as God ; as to truft in him, to pray to him, this hee will not give to ano- ther: but his bleffed glory, of this his Children (hall have part, fo far as they be capable of it. T h ra. In bow many things loth this bleed glcry of Heaven con(fi ? S I L. In three things. Fir(i , in reneovall of all manner of mitèries, from which the Children of God in heaven (hall bee as free as God the Fa- th er; for as it is written, Revel. 14.13. Bleffed are they which die in the Lord, they ref? from their labours. Revel. 21. 4. ill tesres (hall bee wiped from their eyes alto, There ¡ball bee no forow, nor cry, nor pain. Secondly, they (hall bee free front finne,os God himfelf is, for in the heavenly City no uncleane thing (hall enter. Thirdly,they (hall enjoy the pre- fence of all good in all petfelion, and for ever. T t rl. What is the glory peculiar to the bodies and foules of G ods children in heaven? S t L. Their bodies (hall bee ftrong, immortall ,incorruptible,beautifull, and bright as the Sun, i Cor.15.14. Match . 13.43and their fouls (hall be filled with the love of God, and of his Saints. For every glorified perfon (hall raigne as a King, having a crown of glory let up- on his head. Moreover this glory (hall know neither end nor meafure, but is infinite both for continuance and de- gree. But their glory (hall not be equal!, all (hall have glory (that is) heavenly glory, and mo(t bleffed glory, and all (hail havefulnefsof glory ; but all (hall not have equal! glory, there thall bee more or leffe,according to the meafure and fruits of faith,as an hundred veffels call into the fea,all (hall be full, but one may contain more then another. TIM. What doeyee call the hope of glo- rie? S t L. A certain expel ation or look - N inll 13 3