Ver. 4. the Epifile to the Romans. patient fhall have :worldly men are pa- tient, becaule there is no remedy, and becaufe is was Gods will to have it Co. The Patience allo of the Heathen men was grounded upon neceffity of the matter, it was their lot, and by forrow they could neither mend nor pair them - felves. Alto if they dyed, they thought either they should feel nothing, or elfe be in better eftate. TIM. What mar taught from the other point, that Gods Children !Tow the life of affliFlions ? S a L. Firft,that Chriftians ought not be ignorant of the ufe of affii &ions. Se- condly, that to know the right ufe of af- fli&ions by proof , is a great means to help us to bear tbem.Thirdly,that it is a good figu e of our reconciliation with God,and that we are his children, when we gain patience by our affii &ions to be themore patient,the more we are trou bled.And in great troubles to find great patience,the meafure of our patience be- ing made proportionable to our fuffer- Ingo, ftrength equalled to temptation, i Cor.10.13. DIALOGUB IV. Verfe ç . And patience worketh experience, and expe- ri:nce hope. TIM OT MEUS. WHat dotb this Text contain? So L. Two things: Firfl,a fruit of patience,which is experience.Second- ly,a fruit of experience, which is hope. TIM. What is the meaning of thefe words, [And patience eeorlgth experience ? ] S 1 L. Even this :that Gods children by their fuffering aftli &ions patiently, doe get experience of Gods atftftance and gracious pretence through the work ofGods Spirit in them. T I M. What doe yee call experience? S I L. Experience is the knowledge which any man getteth of any thing, upon Tome proof and trial ofit.The ex- perience which the ApofUehere mean- us not civill experience in humane things, but Chriftian and godly experi- 137 ence in things of God and falvation. T t M. Haw diverfe is that experience which the godly get by their fufering af- fliaions? Are tberefundry kinds, and which be they? S'1 i. It is fundry and manifold; it nonce rneth either God,Satan,others; or our felves. Concerning God, firff, we have experience of his great might, inthat he can uphold us,2 Cor.2.9. Se- condly,of his fingular mercy,in that he will fullaine and ftrengtheuour minds. Thirdly,of his marvellous wifdome, in that when hee path exercifed and tryed his children, hee knoweth how to rid them out ofit,a Pet.2.9. Secondly,con- cerning Saran, we have experience firft of his malice and fubtilty, in tempting and Peeking to hurt and detiroy us. Se- condly, of his unablenefs co harm them, whom God will preferve.Thirdly,of his fubje &ion to God,that he is at his beck i.or the time and mature of tempting; both how long,and how farre CO tempt. Thirdly, concerning other men in our affii &ions, wee have experience of the godly, for they doe manifeft unto us in our affliaions their foundchriftianlove, by their counfeli,prayers, and other du- ties,as Onrfphorus to Paul, a Tim.I.16. Allo the wicked make known their ha- tred to us in our affliaions, as Alexander the Copperfrnith unto Paul. Neuters and indifferent ones, doe alto bewray their unconftant and unftable mindes, and the rottennefs of their friendfhip,as they that forfooke Paul, 2 Tim. o. 15. Fourthly, the faithfull concerning themfelvesin their affliaions,they have experience both of their corruptions, and of their graces. For their affliftions open unto them the perverfenefs of their nature , which beforè was hid from thern,as in job S. Alfo their weakneffe, how unable they bee to beare, and howapt to faint under burthens, Pfal. 116,s I. and moreover they have expe- rience by their aflliaions of their love to God, and of their faith and truft in God; as alto of their meeknefs towards men, & of their fortitude and courage. And laítly, it will leade them by the hand to another experience of them - N 3 (elves, 111111111111111/