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Verfes 1,2,3. the Epifile to the Romanes. CHAP. I: DIAL. II. TrMOTHEVS. Hat is the femme of this whole firfi Chapter, and what are the chiefe paros thèreof? SILAS. Having in the beginning by an artifici- all and elaborate Exordium, infinuated himfelfe into the minds ofthe Romans, to make them attent,docible, and bene- volous receivers of his Doarine, ad ver. 14. Toward the middle of the Chapter, he layette forth the maine queftion, to wit; that all people, both Jewes and Gentiles, are no otherwife to be juftifi. ed and Caved, then by the Gofpell being beleevedon: which touching the Gen- tiles, hee doth demonftratively prove from verfe t8. tothe end of the Chap- ter. The reafon is, becaufe being tranf- greffors by manifold and grievous fins, both againft God through impiety, & men through unrighteoufneffe mon- ftrous and unnaturall,they were wor- thy of eternal] damnation : fo farce off was it, that their workes could juftifie & give them life eternal]. For the maine points ofthis Chapter, they be foure. a. A falutation, to verfe 8. 2. The Exordium or Preface, ma- king way and entrance to the matter, to verfe 1 7. 3. The principal] Thefts or propo- fition, touching righteoufneffe before God, by the faith of Chrift, to verf. 17. 4. The confirmation or proofe, from verfe 18. to the conclufion of the Chap- ter. This is the effea of the argument brought for probation : Gentiles and Jewes are to be juftified, either by faith or by workes of the Law : but neither the one, or the other, be juftified by Workes, both being (inners. Which touching Gentiles, i s cleared in Chap.2. and concerning the Jewes, in Chapt. 3. verle 21.Therefore Juftification ofboth, is onely by beleefe in Chril }.Which con- elution is found, Chap. 3 .vet fe 22384C. Tbefalutatiol. Verf. I. 1 Paul, a fervant of Jefu, Cbriff, called to be an Apofile, put apart to preach the Gofpell ofGod, 2 Which bee bath promifid before, by his Prophets in the holy Scriptures, 3 Concerning his Sonne Jefus Chi-0 our Lord, which was made of the feede of David, according to the flefh,&c. TIM. 7Hat things were rooted in f fr' this falutation ? Si t. Three things. Firft, the per- fon fainting : fecondly,the perlons falu- ted : thirdly,the thing which he withed unto them, and prayed for. T r M. What dos ,lee note in the perfon fainting? How is be defcribed ? S r L. Firft his Office, both by the particular, that hee was an Apottle or Embaffador : and genera]] , that he was a fervant of Jefus Chrift, that is, a Mini - tier or fervitor of Chrill, in publifhing his will by preaching the Gofpell ; and not onely a fervant(as otherChriftians) by common profefition. Secondly, by the Doarine which he taught, whereof he entreth into commendation. T 1 M. Whence had he this Office? S I L. Not by men, nor of men, but immediately by the calling of Chrift Je- fus,Aas 9.1,2,3,4. Ti M. Wherefore dub be fpeafe of bit Calling? S I L. Firft, in refpeft of falfe Apo- files, who charged him to bee an intru- der. Secondly, to thew that he had au- thority to teach, and that they were bound to obey, becaufe he brought a Divine Doarine, and did not offer to teach them by intrufron and ufurpati- on, but byajull, lawful], and divine vocation. E 3 TIM.