,Ver.5,6. the Epi,file to the Romans. 8. 38, 39. who have had the fenfe of Gods love in their hearts, and have re- joyced therein even in their extream af- fliaions,in the flames of fire, and depth of Dungeons horrible and darkfome. T t rat. Have the faithfìell a f eling of Gads love alwayes ¡none tenor, and like mea- fare ? Si L. Neither of both ; but by fins and temptations it is often interrupted, as the light of the Sun is darkned and leffened by milts and clouds:yet this love of God fhall alwayes endure in them, becaufe God altereth not. Ti M. Whence come& the feling ofGods love? S 1 a. It is the efpeciall worke of Gods Spirit of Adoption, Rom. 8.16. and it cometh by the free gift of God , who giveth it to all the members of his fon,Rom8.9.Ephef.l. 13. Tian. What doth the fenfe of Gods love given themby the Spirit, woke_ in the faithful!? Sta. Firfft,a fervent and unfaigned love of God, a Cor.5.14. 1 Ioh. 4. 19. Wee love him, becaufe he loved us frrfl. Se- condly,an hearty love of our neighbor for Gods fake, t Ioh.4.21.Thirdly, joy in the holy Ghoft, a Pet. T. 8. ` Laftly, great increafe of hope in a more full al- furance of injoying the glory looked for,inafmuch as God who loves us, and holds us dear unto him, cannot change nor deceive as. Ti M. I prayyou tell Si here, is it the u . ture of hope to be certain,and to give this af-' furanceye peaky/ ? S 1 L. Of hope, generally taken, it is the property onely to look and ex- pelt for a thing which wee have not, Rom. 8.24,25. but the certainty and af- furance of hope growes from the na- ture of the things hoped for, which if they be certain, and have fare and cer- taine caufes the hope is certaine and af- lured; otherwife it is not : for hope of worldly things, which we may ca' hu- mane or civil hope)it is of things uncer- tain,which may fall out,or not fall out, becaufe they have uncertain caufes ; and this bur bath no affurance but is joined with contintrAlldoubting:but Chriftian 141 hope, it bath alwayes affurance and cer- tainty joyned with it, becaufe it is of fpiritull bleffings and protections; aI-: fo of heavenly glory which cometh of a moll firme caufe, namely the un- changeable good will and love of God, as alto his moli free and firme promife in Chrift. T 1 m. Whereunto Both this fettle? S t a. To reprove both the Papift and ignorant prophane ,Proteftants fever athirance from Chriftian hope, wherein they doe injury to God himfelfe ; and fhew that they are not Inch, who have his love filed aöroad in their hearts. DIALoGuE VI. Verle 6. Fir Chrilll, when rare here yes of no .fírenot,, at bis time died for the un- gody. TI MOTH EU S. `i Hat is the drift and end of this / ..Text ?_ Sea. To confirm that which he had Paid of the love of God towards us , by an effect and fruit of his love, which is the death of his Son Chrift Jefus. Here beginneth the demonfiration, which is she fecond -part of this Chapter, as be, fore. S I L. How is this fet forth ? S t L. It is let forth by is double cir- ctumftance of time. Firkin that the Son of God was given to death for us at that .tìmewhen we were yet weak, un godly, Guners,and enemies. Secondly, in that he died for us at the time appointed of his Father,called(his time.) T I M. What be the ports of this fixt verfe? Si L. Four : Fief}, what ones God loved, (weak and ungodly ones:) Se- condly, by what gift he exppreffed his love(his Son Chrift.)Thirdly,atwhat time the gift was beflowed(at his time.) Fourthly, to what thing bee was given, (to death.) TIM. Now come to the interpretation of the tdords, anal ftrfi tell as whin is means by LWeak]in this place? S1 L.