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Ver. 6. the Epiile to the Romans. I43 He fuffer_ ad the fiat ann us the a of the fe. coed death. clareth his great love, and that to his e- nemies : fo after hisexample,we fhould out of love do good to On- enemies, whereby wee are knowne to be Gods children, Luke 6.For even Infidels, and the mofi wicked perlons, they will love fuch as love theism, Marth. S. TIM. What dub this mean, which it added [According to the tithe, or at his time ?] S I L. It meaneth thus much : even that fit and convenient time appointed of his Father, called, Fulneffe oftime,Gal. 4.4. and His houre, Joh.5. 2f. For God bath hit time, appointed for all bit worker. E ccl. 3. r. T I M. What followea of this? S I L. That Chrilt could come nei- ther sooner nor later then hee did. Se= condly, it commendeth Gods love unto us,to fend himat a time when a flood of wicked nefle had overflowed all. Third - ly,that there is a fit time for every work ofGod, which should teach us to wait upon God, Eccl. 3.I. T I M. Whereunto gave bee Chriff for us? Si L. Unto death, which was a dif- folution of his body and "fotile, joyned with the curfe of God. Gal. 3. I ;. Of this death there was great need. For Gods justice bath decreed,hisword fore- told it, the faerifices prefigured it, the fouleneffe of mans fin deferved it,Chrift willingly fimffered it, man was fufftci- ently redeemed by it, and Gbd greatly glorified by it. TI M. What are hereof? S I L. It lheweth us the greatneffe of mans fin, and of Chrifts love, of Sa- tans malice, and of Gods Juftice, and of Popith blindneffe and corruption, which teach fome fins fb light and veni- all, as fprinkling of Holy -water and Mlles will purge them. DIALOOut VII. Verles y, 8. Dottitlefe onewiíffcarce dye fur a righteotrs , but yet :fora good manone dare dye : but God fete atta bit love toward tat, seeing that while we were yet sinners, L Chriff dyed us. T I M OTHEu9. Hat is the drift ofthis Text? S I L. To set forth and eíttol the love of God towards us, by a com- parison of the leffe with the greater.The fumme of this comparison is this;There is Crag cc any mans love fo great, as that he will dye for a jail person, though he be alto good and profitable unto hire: how great then Was that love, that mo- ved God to give his Son to (6th for us which were fmnners and his enemies? Flk m whence the Apoltle doth gather, t hat if Gods love be filch, as our fins be- fore we did beleeve, and whiltt we were enemies, could not hinder him from gi- ving his Son to die, much leffe shall thole fins which we do afterwards, bee able to hurt our falvation; therefore the hope which the godly have in God, cannot make them afhamed: Tx M. What be the parts ofthe cowpari- fon contained in this Text? S I L. Two'; Firff a propofition, v. 7. Secondly, an application, v. 8. T I M. What is here stetañt by righ twits? S I L. Not a juft matter or caufe, but aloft man,as is to be feene both bythe 6. a rtd 8 vhrfes, where he ufèth words no- ting perlons. T iM. What difference is there bettveene a jell man, and agood man? S I L. Some underfianda good matt to be Chrifi, for whom Martyrs dyed. Others by a good man understand one who is profitable to us: this is mutt probable. Others put righteous and good both for one thing. Tt M. Why dashthe Apofik fay,[It may be one dare dye for a good man ?] S t L. Either for that If dn}tdaa dye for others, it were more for their ow'rtë fake,then for another rnansf ice: or elfé for that hee never found or knew any filch example. As if hen íliòuld fay, it may be,but for mypart,li know of none that ever did Co. T I M. What infiraiilion now doe jèè gather from tbefe fir ff trordr? SIa.