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6 An Expofitiou upon T1 M. How came he by fuck a Calling from Chrif ] ? S t r.. Not by his owne merits, either forefeene or prefent, as Origen thought : but by the eternal Decree ofGod, who fct him apart for that fervice of preach- ing the Do&rive of falvation, as it is here laid [ Put apart to Preach; to wit, to the Gentiles,Aas z 3.whith was both from the inflant of his birth, Gal. 2.' f. and at the time of his calling to the A- po ftlefhip, andfrom everlafting, by an eternall ele&ion,as Chryfoffome,andafter Peter Martyr Ail meth. From whence we Jeanie, that cur Callings, gifts, and fruits of them, depend upon Gods ele &ion, that all fiefh may be humbled before God, afcribing to themselves none, but all praife to God, and free grace from every thing which is in them, or done by them, or to them. Further- more, in that by the Will and Counfell of God his vocation was afligned for Paul, and he far, &ified and put apart for it(as Jeremy was, Chapt.I.ver.5.) long before any ntanifeftation thereof to themfelves, or to the world; let us here- by be warned,neither rafhly to rufh into a Calling, running before we be lent of God, contrary to the pra&ife of Aaron and Chrift,Heb.5. }.nor being feet and called, withdraw our (elves front our appointed Fun &ion, left we be found to fight agai nfi God, whilft we would ap- peare to men to be (hamefaft.For fuch an infirmity fake, God was angry with Mofec,Exod.3. andpunifhed Jonae,chap. 1. Paul commended for the contrary vertue, his readineffe to obey his Cal- ling, Gal. 1.16, 17. Alfo John Baptifi, John 1.7. T 1 M. By what argument or Reafans is the Doflrine of the Goffeli commended to us in this place? S 1 t,. Firft, by the Effe&s : It is a Dotttrine of joy & comfort,for fo much the word [Gaylen] fignifieth ; as one would fay, a good Spell, or word of good tydings, Luke 2. to. Secondly, by the Efficient caufe;it is revealed from heaven ofGod himfelfe, and teacheth the grace of God:therefore called, The GofellofGod. Thirdly,by the Antiqui- Chap.r. ty;it was firfi publifhed and promifed by the Prophets,Ga1.3. a 3.Fourthly,by the Subjt &and Matter which it handleth, and that is,theSonne of God incarnate, and made Man : alfo Saviour and Re- deemer for ma DS eternall lalvation.Laft- ly, by a proper End,whichis,to engen- der the obedience cf faith in the name ofChrift,verf. 5. T r st. What Both this admonifh us of ? S 1 L. Firft, of the never-fufficient- ly loved and praifed goodncffe of God, who would commit to us fuch a Do- &rine ; for quality, fo comfortable; for authority, fo divine; for continu- ance,fo ancient; for matter and fub- jc&, fo very excellent and glorious. Se- condly, of our owne duty towards this Do &vine of the Gofpell. T t M. What is our ChPillian duty to- march the word of the Gojell? S 1 L. FirD, in our judgments to ap- prove it and efteeme it above Pearles, and moil precious & profitable things. Secondly, in our mindes so marke and heed it well. Thirdly, in our hearts to beleeve it. Fourthly, in our affe &ions to love, and put our chiefe delight in it. Fiftly, in our memories to keeps it,and treat-Me it. Sixtly, with our cares to hearken to it. Seventhly, with our lnouthes to confeffe it, and fpeak good of it. Laftly, to fubmit our whole man to the obedience and pra &ife of it,in all fincerity and conftancy. T 1 M. What otber thing dotb it ad- menifh uoof? S 1 L. Of their error which charge it with novelty or flexibleneffe, accor- ding to the wills of men, and circum- fiances oftime ; for it is alwaies one and the fame, like God the Author, and it is very ancient; it is no upflart Do&rine, as ancient as mans fall ; and that is molt true which was firfl, as that is fall which was latter. T r M, What learne we by this, that me have that accomplifhed and melt dearer ma- toi.íèfted to w, which was onely promifed to the people ,.f ibe Jeweabythe Prophet'? S i L. That as God bath (hewed forth towards us the more excellent Grace, fo our contempt and unthankefulneffe (if