Wilson - BS2663 W54 653

162 An Expofition upon Chap.5. T I M. What learn ye hereby, That the juffifying or righteoufneJs of Chrifi ís Jet a-1 f f the offence of one ? S I L. That as the offence is without us, ,which makes us all guilty, fo is the righteoufnefs which justifies us,not in us but in Chrifl.Secondly,that ¡unifying is an abfolving or acquitting us from guilt and condemnation. TIM. What meaner beby all men? S r L All the Children of God which beleeve,whereof there is an univerfality, as there is an univerfality of the Repro- bate. T t M. TYly cloth bee joyn life unto jufi- fccat ien [I e f l i f icatiion of life?, S r L . Not onely by the cuflome of fpeech peculiar to the Hebrewes, but to teach that life is knit to righteoufneffe ; and hereof it is alto, that faith and life are fo often joyned together, becaufe it is by faith that we take hold on righte- oufirefs, which bringeth with it life as a proper and neceffary effe?t. T I M. What /carnye generally out of the whole 19 verfe? S I L. That Adam and Chrifa are not to bee confidered of, as other particular perlons bee : but as two heads or rootsof all mankind, which depend on them. T i BI. What feverall andfpeciall things doe ye now learn out of the r g verfe? SIL. That Adams offence was difo- bedience to Gods word. Secondly, this difobedience ought to bee familiarly known, and what hurt wee get by it; therefore by an excellency called that difobedience, as exceeding all others both for the quality and effe &s. Third - ly,thi s difobedience is communicated to all men to the making of them finners, which is donc by a ion called imputa- tion,and fo it is every mans own fin, no leffe then Adams. Fourthly,that diftruft or doubting is the root of all fin,and fo to be greatly taken heed of: Adams fall began at doubting, that carried him to difobedience. Fiftly, that wherein wee difobey Gods will, therein we bewray old Adam, whofe children wee thew our felves to be by our difobedience a- gainftGods bleffed commandement. The jutt Thal live by faith >Rom. r. I live by faith, ßalat.2. T i u. What doeye call difobedience? SIL. It is a vice which caufeth us not to beleeve God promìfìng or threatning, nor to obey him , forbidding nor com- manding, either becaufe the commande- ments bee troublefome, or becaufe wee cannot fee the reafon of them. TIM. Now tell ur what war that where- by rigbteoufnefp and life entred into the world? S IL. The obedience of Chrift Je- fus. TIM. What isobedience? S t L. It is a power by which a godly man is ready to doe and to obey the wit of God , though the reafon of it be not underflood,nor it appear to be any way profitable. Ti u. Wherein didCbrifl flaw bis obe- dience to God? SIL. Throughout his whole life,do- ing alwayes in all things what his Fa- ther appointed, without any regard of men ;but efpecially in his death,wherein he fubnsitted hinifelfwholly to the will and pleafure of his Father, Ti M. Is the al five obedience of Chriff in fulfilling the morals law by doing it neeefary unto the iaffiificatioot of a fanner before God, or hit pave obedience in fuering death,dotb it alone jufiife ue ? For the Scripture af- cribeth our purging,remiffion of fns,and /al- vation,to his blood and death in many placer, and it may feem that Chrifl kept the Law net fàr ass, but for bimfelf, to malo him a meet high Prie fi. S I L. Juflification bath two parts : Firft, the forgiveneffe of finnes. Se- condly, the making of us jun. For as wee owed unto God a fatisfalion by death for the breach of the Law, fo we were bound to performe lubjeaion to God, with all power of body and foule, and all the might of thofe powers, even from the time of our being. Therefore as we needed the paffion.of our Lord to difcharge the firft debt of paine and pu- nifhment; fo the other debt of homage and conformitie to the will of God,was anfivered in the obedience of his life; that fo we might not only efcape death, but find an entrance into life eternall, which without perfea obedience to the. Chri(ts oóe die rice a- (live in do- in,K,paPivc in faffering.