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Ver. 20,2 I. the Epi file to the Romans. therefore, but to polite and thew forth hisgoodneffe more richly: therefore let none with Cain lay, my fin it greater, &c. but rather with Paul, I Tins. i. 15. T i sa. But Will not this D E-frine give fàme liberty to fin? St L. say : it is a reftraint rather and bridle from an ; for Gods children are made the more carefutl not to offend him,by how much the more theyfeele his mercies to be great towards them.There- fore if any abufe this Do &rineta licen- tioufneffe, it is a marvailous bad figne and a fearful/ token that they are grown defperate. T I m. What are we to learn by she be- ginning ofthe 2I. verfe,Ao fine bath raign- ed to death? S i L. Fin i, that an rules as a King in all uobeleevers. Secondly, while fin beareth rule, whatfoever men doe, ten - deth to de!tru &ion. Thirdly, all Gods ele& are &It under the raigne of fin and death. Firft, Prifoners, wounded, dead; ere they be healed, delivered and refto- red to life. T I M. When are we to judge offin, that it raignes at a King? S L L. When the Rifts and motiit.ns of our fin full nature, are willingly obeyed and followed. T I14. What are we to learn by this, where it it Paid, That grace might raigne? SI L. That as there is a kingdoms of finne, fo alto there is a kingdoms of grace ; under which two kingdomes the ele& muff paffe. For, they are tran- ffated from the raigne of finne, to the 165 raigne of grace, as the people of ]Jrael were drawne out of .Ægypt into Canaan: and feeing every one mutt belong to one of thefe kingdomes, therefore our care ntuli be, to exámine,tinto which we are fubjé &. Tim. What doe jeu call the raigne and l<ingdome of Grace St L. When our Confcience being affured, that our finnes are accompted Chrifts,and his rio_hteoufnes accompted ours, we begin to leave and withttand our Imnes, and to live unto Gods think- ing on thole things which pleafe him, with care and finely to do then,. T I so. Who ie meant here by rihteotef- nefe? S I L. Chrifts obedience imputed to us, to juiliiìe us before God. T I M. What is meant here by life? S I L. That blelfed eliate wherein we are Pet by meanes of this righteoufneffe, whereunto it is annexed as a fruit. T t st. Why it eternal[ added unto life? s I L. To (hew, that the bleffedneffe ofthe jufi men (hall continue for ever in Heaven, as long as God endured'. T I M. Why d;th bee mention Jefue Cbriff? SI L. To teach us that it is by him a- lone, that we obtaine grace, righteouf- neffe, and life. T I n1. t9berefore is there no mention of Faith? S I L. In the matter of Jufiification, Chrift is never mentioned without refpe& to Faith, which apprehendeth him. 1 CHAP. VI. O f Sand fxcation. DIALOOus I. Verts, I, 2. What /hall we fay then? Shall we continue in finne that grace may abound? God for- bid, How (ball we that are dead to finne live yet therein? TI MO T H Eus. Hat doth the Apoill intreat of in this fixt Chap- ter? S I L. Of (acEtificati- on : whereby they which are juftified, and have their finnes for- given them through faith inJefupChrift, are enabled to walke in a new life, and to