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( 168 An Expofition upon Chap,ó with delight therein, then a man natu- rally dead is to be moved to fear or joy, by having terrible or pleafant things prefented to him : and they which are otherwile, following thefervice of fin wi +h pleafure in it, therein frtfhiciently teitifie that their fins are not forgiven, and that they are utterly void of faith, becaule they lack fanaileation, the ne- ce(lary fruit of faith. D I ALOGUE II. Verfe 3,4. Knot. ye nao, that all me which have hens bar ized into Jefitr Chrifl, have been baptized into his death? Wee are buryed then with him by baptifineiauo bit death, that likf ar Chrift was rai fed tap from the dead by rho glory of bit Father, fà we a fo fhouid chalk in newnege of life. T I MOTHEIS I. Vj %Hasiothepurpofeandfcopeofths v Text? S I L. To prove, that beleevers are dead to fin, by their communion with Chrifl and his death, whereof baptifine is a ihre and effecîuall pledge: the reafon ftands thus: all beleevers are partakers of Chritt himfelf (baptifine being a tali- many of their communion with him.) But whofoever are partakers ofChriff, are alto partake; s of his death for morti- fication of fîn,as well as of his refurre &i- on for quickning to a new life:therefore all beleevers are dead to fin by the virtue of Chrifl his death, communicated to them by theHoly Ghoft, and therefore cannot live in fin. Tim. What Both this text containe ae faljeti avd fubflance of it ? S I L. The do &rive cf fan &ilcation, which is declared and fet forth three wayes. Fir(t, by the parts. Secondly, by the caufe. Thirdly,by the teftimony and pledge of it. , Ts M. What bee the parts of fanúifica- rIon ? S I L. Three: Firft, the death or mortification 'of finne. Secondly, the buriall of finne, which is theprogrefl-e of mortification. The third and laft part isnewnefsof life or vivification, which is our quickning to a new and godly life. T I M. What doeyou call mortification or the death offin ? S a L. It is that a &ion or work of the Spirit, whereby the tyranny and power of fin isweakened and taken down, that though fiit doe (till live in the faithful', and tempt them to evill ; yet it is truly faid to be dead,becaufe in mortification, the ftrengeh and vigour of finis fo bro- ken and abated, as it can never recover his old force againe, but waiteth dayly till it beconfumed; as wee ufe to fay of one that cannot recover his health,that he is a dead man, though yet he breath and live. TIM. Tell us now which is the [econd part of fanai frcation ? S I L. The buriall of fin, which is a new work of the Spirit, whereby fin al- ready mortified, cloth (till more and more confirme and moulder (as a dead body wafles in the grave:)theburiall of fin being the proceeding of the death of fin till it be abolifhed and brought to nothing,as the buriall of the body is the progreffe of naturali death. Ti M. What it the third part of Sancti- fication? S I L. It is newnefs of life, whereby the foul is quickened and enabled to lead a new life; that is, to live godly and jultly. Tim. What is meant here by the glory of the Father ? S I L. The power ofGod,which was then chiefly declared to his glory, when Chritt was railed from the dead; and in us it is (hewed manifeltly, w hen calling away finne, wee live uncotruptly and holily. T a M. What is ftgnified by newneje of life? Si L. The blamelefs life of Chtiftians, or purenefs of living. T t M. By the word [Walk. ng,] what doth he teach ? S a L. That ofa pure and blamelelfe life there be certaine degrees, as in wal- king there is a going forwards to a cer- taine place; fo there mull bea profiting in