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An Expofition iOTA the witneffe of an enemy is of no fmall credit and force. Seventhly, the firange prefervations of thefe Book s,notwith- ffanding the ftrange malice of the divell, and the mifchievous policies and pra &i- fes of his molt wicked inftruments, to fuppreffe and extinguith them ; yet that they fhould be fo kept, as to remaìne intire without toffs of any Booke, nay, of any jot or title ( as very judicioully learned men do thinke) this divine pro- teftion doth argue, that their authority is Divine. Adele unto all this, the con - ftant teftimony which fo many worthy Martyrs by their death and blood have given to this truth. Laftly, every one of Gods Children have the witneffe of his owne Spirit , the Author of the Scrip tures, to teftifie in the confciences of them, that they are infpired ofGod,and do containe a divine infallible truth. T s M. Whereunto muff this helps and profit to? S i L. To arme our minds againft that dangerous temptation of doubting tha truth of Scriptures, whether they be of God. Secondly, to draw more reve- rence towards thofe Bookes and Wri- tings with more Rudy in them then to- wards all other writings whatfoever, being the Books of Bookes, therefore by an excellencycalled the Bible. TIM. Why are the Scripture' called holy? SILAS. Pith, becaufe they proceed from the Spirit which is holy,Luk 1.6,7. Secondly,they teach a truth which allo is holy, even the truth which is accor- ding to godlineffe, Titus I.I. Thirdly, they be inftruments whereby the Eleft are fan&ifted and made holy, Joh.17.17 SacW fie them with thy truth, thy word is truth. Laftly,they were written to divers moil holy ends; as to teach, to convince, to corre&,to inftruEt in righteoufneffe, z Timoth. 3.16. alto to give comfort, Rom. 15.4. TIM. What learneye by this? S 1 L. Firft, that they have a facred authority in themfelves, containing a divine Do&rine, and do not depend on Church or Pope. Secondly, that the Scriptures are to be preached, read, and heard with holy affeEtion. Mofes is Chap commanded to put off his fhoces, be- caufe the ground is holy, Exodus 3.5. Thirdly, they are never to be mentic- ned but with great reverence and hono- rable titles. Laftly, feeing they are holy, therefore to apply them to vaine and light, or to prophane and wicked ufes (as in Charmes, Inchantments, in jells and merriments, in Playes and Enter - ludes) is a grievous finne, even an hor- rible prophanation ofGods name. Ti M. What doth the third Verfe con- taine? S 1 L. A. defcription of our Redeemer andSaviour, who is thematter and fub- ffance, the end and fcope of holy Scrip- tures, which teach us nothing elfe fàve Chrift, as their maine fubje&, and leade to nothing but unto Chrift Jefus, as to their furtheft marke. Thus difcerneth tie Gofpell not onely from other pro- phase Writings, but even from Moles Law, which bath the fame Author, not the fame Subje &. Ta M. Horn is be de fcrìbed ? S I L. Firft, by his Perlon, which is but one (concerning his Son.) Second- ly, by his Titles, which are three. Firft, Jefus : Secondly, Chrift. Thirdly, our Lord. Thirdly, by his two Natures, which are diftin &ly fet downs with their proofes : the humane firft, (which was of the feede of David:) then the di- vine, verle 4. (declared mightily to bee the Sonne of God.) TIM. What is the fumme then of this Scripture? S I L. That Jefus Chrift the Saviour of the world, is both true God and true Man in the unity of perfon. There is in Chrift one thing and another thing,that is,divers Natures, but yet not one per - fon and another perfon : for the perfon is but one, the Sonne ofGod made man by affuming the manhood into the fel- lowfhip of his perfon. TIM. The manhood of Chrift then, bath no fubfiffence out of the perfon of the Sonne ofGod ? S I LA s. No, none, being confide - red apart, but wholly fubfifleth in the perfon of the Sonne, to which it is info. parably and wonderfully united. Tsar.