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Ver. 6,7. the E piffle to the Rbman. 175 feated in the foule, yet the defies of fin fi nne, and others due abffaine from tome alit i are executed by the members of our bo- of inne which yet doe ferve finne, how then ' dy, as by initrurnents. Laftly, because may it be Ion se who five finne, and who fin isconveyed i nto the foule at the firff do not ? by meanes of the body. S r L. Thefervice of finne is mani- Hot, man T r M. what is it to deffroy the body of felled by the obedience to the delires waies the y finne ánd lulls of fin; as it is written H' tC °10eof N finne is S r L. cite to abolifh it,and to take jervants we are to whom we obey ; and this know it out of our nature that it fhould not obedience is manifefted by yeelding un- be at all ; but this thing is not perfor- to finfull thoughts, in content of our med during the time of this life,it is Rill will,and in p; a &iCe ofour life. Alto by in doing,and certainly (hall be perfe &ed driving for our lulls, and defending of in the end of our lite ; therefore it is them : by hating and difliking them Paid to be deftroyed, as ifit were al- which reprove us; by Loving inch as ready done : and this is the end and Moth and flatter us in our evill wayes ; marke that thrift ames at, in the by upholding and maintaining fin in worke ofour fan&ification, which we others ; by giving favours and appoin- are fill to (rive toward,though we can- ting rewards unto fins and vices. note taineitwhilewe live, having fin T r ar. But fame there are which out - ftill abiding and dwelling in as : how- wardlly yeeld obedience etc to the word, who beit the (pint of Can&ification fo farre yet are jervants elfin, how fhallthey 6e dif- prevailedr againft our fins, as that they cerned of themfelves and others? cannot rule in us, and make us hence- S r L. They are to be dilcerned and 'Howftypo= forth to ferve fin, as we were wont to knowne by thefe markes following. c ras e doe before our fan &iñction. tt,though they doe in their outward fron, ccne Tim. Declare unto as nom what it is awns yeeld obedience to the word, Chrittaans. to ferve fznne? yet they doe fu ll retaine the yoak of Sr L. It is to doe that willingly which fin,for they love not rholèduties which fin would have done, when men doe yet they doe for finifter refpe &s of freely and readily execute by the mein- profit, or praife, or pleafing themfelves bers of their body, that which fin de- or others : and thofe fins which they fireth and lufteth : and on the other leave undone, yet they hill like them fide,the not ferving ofisn, is, when the in their hearts, as the people of Ifrael motions and defies oflinne are not o- being delivered from the bondage of beyed either in will or worke, but bee Pharaoh, looked back into "Egypt in cart out of our thoughts, words, and their thoughts, wifhinf: themfelves deeds,as much as maybe. there againe ; fo it is with thefè men, T r M. What it the difference between they leave the outward a& of fin, and the having of finne, and the ferving of yet love fin, having their hearts let up- finne? on it.- Secondly, the fervants of fin, S r L. Such as is between the having though they forfake many finnes, yet ofa naughty fervant, and the fuffering not all their fins, they ftill keepe force hint to rule all in the family. Every god- beloved fin, either of their trade, or ly man bath finne,but he keepeth i c un- of naturewhich they ferve as their 1VIi- der, as a fervant or !lave, not flittering fireffe : and though they do fundry du- it tocommand or beare rule in them. ties touching the outward deed, yet The wicked, they both have fin, and they leave undone Come duty,as necefla- ferve fin, becaufe they refill it not, but ry as any which they doe, becaufe it fufferit to beare rule in them; as a Lord croffeth their lulls. Thirdly, thofe fan - or King carrying all the powers of bo- full a&iont which they doe forfake,and dy and foule after it mightily.. thofe good duties which they doe per- T r M. Seeing Tome meta doe full ll fame forme,theydoe but for a time ; for they motion, of firm, which yet doe not ferve are foone weary of well doing, and re- Q3 turneth