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I 4 .t1n Expo fition upon felvesweare prone to finne, but not to ferve God, withou t a fpeciall and effe- áuall working of God in our hearts ; making us to be that by Grace, which by Nature we could never be. For w ee are not borne, but made the fervants of God ; wee are not the fervants of God by our owne endeavours, but wee are made fuch by Gods Spirit: we are born the fervants of (inne, but we are made the fervants of God: and that we are the fervants ofGod, it may appeare by our hearty obedience unto the will of God in all things, as the fervants ofin are manifefted by obeying the lofts of fin ne throughout. T 1 M. whit is meant here by belinege ? S t t. Praife by increafe of holines,as appearcth by this, that it is fit againli (lime: howbeit the Apofile choofeth rather to mention holineffe than praife; becaufe though praife be due unto the fervice of G O D, yet fuch as exercife themdives in doing the will ofGod, do often live under reproach ; whereas en- creafe of inward holineffe to the praife of the godly in the eyes ofGod & good men alwayes follows well doing, as a wholefome fruit for Gods Children, when they have ferved God. They be indeed worthy of praife, but they may and do miffs of it, at the hands of this unthankfull worlds yet they arc fnreóf this, that thentore paints they take in ferving God, the more holy they fhall be,and their confcience more undefiled: alfo they (hall reape praife amongft all good men, and with God their Father; and this is no fmall encouragement, to make men more earned in the fervice of God, to confider that they (hall be blef- fed ofGod, with greater puritie before him, and more praife among his Chil- dren. For though Gods children are to doe well,not onely nor chiefly for gai- ning praife or holineffe unto themfelves, yet thefe things which will follow of their owne accord by the ordinance of God (as the Ihadow cloth the body)put fome heart and chearfulner; into them. Tr M. What other thing do we learnfrom this, that we bave our fruit in boliuere ? S t L. That the full reward of fer- Chap.6e vingGod, is not altogether laid up in' the world to come; but there is much given unto them in phis world, both in corporali and fpirituall bleffings. For, as the children of Ifraed tatted of the fink and good things of the Land ofCa- naan before they eutred into it :fo it pleafech God to give unto his fervants, even here in this life,forne fruit of their obedience to him, to confirm their hope of that reward whichthey (hall have in the life eternal! : hence their graces are likened to firft fruits,Rom.S. TIM. What sefe is to be made of this ? S I L. It reproves thole that fay that there is no profit in the ferving of God. Secondly, it ferves to whet the hearts of Gods children more obediently to pleafeand love him, when they thail by good experience perceive, that their fervice proves fruitfull in fpirituall re- fpe,as well as in outward regards. T I M. Merle nom the frond reafon to encourage onrfelzes unto the fervice of God? S I L. It is the fame which was ufed in the 17. verfe, namely, that this fer- vice will end well, even in life everla- fling: and therefore we muff give our felves carefully to ferve God; for men . have reafon to follow that hard, which is fare to end well. TIM. What dotb the ilpoftle here under- fand by [Lift ?] S I L. Heavenly happineffe and glo- ry,which is therefore fhadowed out and fignified by this terme of life, becaufe of all earthly things, life is molt delight - full and precious. This life or heavenly happineffeconfills in thefe two things; firlt,in the abfence of all evill both from foule and body. Secondly, iu the pre - fence and- -perfe &ion of all good, both bodily and fpiritually. T1 M. What are wets learnt hereby tbat this life is calledeverlaffing ? S I L. Thus much, that our heavenly happineffe is not for dayes or years, but endures for ever, even as long as God endures,without any limitation of tine, or meafure ofgreatneffe. TI M. In what fenfe doth the Apoflle far, that this life everla ing, zs the end of Gods fervice? Sot.