Ver. 1,2,3. the Epiftle to the Romans. whole, or in part. Secondly, Chriftîans' muff encourage themfelves to lead a god - ly life; notwithffanding all hinderances intheir way, from themfelves, from the world,andSatan ;becaufe a holy life being continued in,will at the length bring to a life eternal.Thirdly,feeing godlines of life 'doth by the ordinanceof God neceffa rily lead unto eternal life,& they which do live lgodlily,may know that they do fo:here- ¡of it followeth, that allthe godly have certainty and good affurance of their 'own falvacion; if one may know that he liveth holily, thereby he may know that he (hall live happily. T i M. Wherefore are tbefe words ad- ded, [Through lefeaacCbrifl our Lord?] S I L. To teach us,tha t all merit is to be fought out of our felves,and to be found only in the perfon of Chrift Jefus, who by that which he himfelf hath fuffered anddone,hath fully deferved life eternal] for all beleevers which live uprightly; to whom therefore all praife, honour, and glory is due. Amen. 197 For further clearing of this Scripture, I have thought it not amiCs, to letdown what our Divines have cited out ofAnti- quity for the fenfe of this latter clauf,that to theunlearned it may appeare, what confent is between us and the Fath ers in the do &rive of grace. When we find life eternall to be called Grace, (faith Auget. fine] we have S. Paula magnihcal defen- der of Grace. Again,hecalleth Death, the wager of fin, becaufe it is due, it is wor- thily paid, iris rendred as a merit. But left Juítice fhould lift up it felf, he faith not,Eternall life is the wages of it, but ternieth it theGraceof God,and he addeth, by defer our Lord,leff life fhould be fought any other way, but by our Mediaor. Cbr}fofl. Life eternall is not a retribution of labors, but the free gift of God ; not deferved by vertue, but given freely. 4mbrof Such as follow Faith (hall have life everlafling. 7heodoretus he faith, Grace, and not reward : not by works faith Photinur, but by Grace. CHAP. VII. during natural] life, is obliged to the Husband. a. To be his, or to him only. 2. Not to depart from him. 3. Not to marry with ano thee. But the Husband being dead the is free, being , I. His n more;z. and may(Iv ithout guilt of Adul- tery ) marry to another ; bring forth fruit to another, the fecond man. So all the ele& bee fore new birth , are in bondage to finne, to which they bring forth children, that is,evil works by the force of the Law,butafter regeneration,ofthis(bee. the vigourandcoa&ionofÿheLaw tea aome theié be three rea- feth, Cut part at leaft)attd they 1. aref °nsm.;. 4 free, being dead to the Law, and 2. mar- ried unto Chrift, 3, do now bring forth good works(aschildren) to God. Paul exemplifieth in the woman, rather then in the man,becaufe her obligation &bond is ftraiter toward the man, (then of him toward her(forby the Law the man was fuffered to give a bil of divorce to the wo- man,fo``was it not on the contrary:) allo becaufe his meaning was to compare us to the wife. The Chapter confitteth of three S 2 parts D I A L O G n a L Vertes I, 2, 3. Knowye notßrethren (for Ifpeakunto them that knew the Law)that the Law bath dominion over a man as long as he !meth? For the woman which is in fubie thon to a man, is bound by Law to a man while be li- ver h:bu t if the man be dead floe is delivered from the Law of the man: fa then if while the man liveth, flic taketh another man, floe foal! be called an Adulterefr. But if the man be dead, floe it free from the Law, fo that fbe is not an Adult erefs ,though fire take another man. TIM. c ' j Hat par"may .hie 7Cbap. ! `l be divided into, and what talteyeta o be the purpofe of the Apoffle therein? Sr L.The purpofe of Parsi is to confirm and illuftrate that Paradox or ftrange Do Aine propounded in the former ch. of being not under the Law, but under grace , which haply Come of the Jewes might have taken : as if the Apoffle had been an enemy to the knowledgand obe- dience of the Law: therefore now!hee (heweth how our freedome from the Law is to be underftood, and upon what grounds and reafons it is founded. This is (hewed and declared by the fimilitude of civili marriage, wherein the woman