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198 An Expofation upon Chap.7, v erre I, z, parts. The firft, fetteth out our liberty 3'4'5. '' from the Law , and proveth it by three reafons,in verfe I,2,3,4,5,6.Secondly, heanfwereth certain objeétions made againft the Law,which he excufeth and commendeth by the manifeft and need- fary effeas;alfo by the properties and nature of the Law, and all this in his own perfon. Thirdly, the fpirituall combate between grace confenting to the Law, and flefh or corruption refi- fling the Law, is defcri bed in his owne example, both touching the fight and battell, and the iflize or end of it. T I M. What be the parts of this f ori- litude ? S I L. They be two : F irft, a propo- Gtion in three verfes Secondly, an ap- plication in the fourth verfe. The pro - pofition is thus ; that the Law bindeth a man fo long as heliveth, thewhich is amplified two wayes. Flit, by the tefti- mony of the Romanes themfelves, of whom he faith, they knew the truth of it. From verle G. till I4 From v.74 ro the end. TIM. What are are to learn from the frrff proofe of the propofition ? S i Y.. Firft,the wifdome ofthe Apo- ftle, in preventing the offence of the converted Jews,to whom he wrote not only by a loving Title in calling Bre- thren,but by attributing the knowledge of the Law to them, and by taking up- on him the defence of the Law.Second- ly,Gods people ought not to be igno- rant of Gods Law; tor it dothboth help the teachers to (peak to a people endued with kn owledg,and the people to know thofe things whereof their teachers (peak. TIM. What is the ufeof this? S r L. It reproved' filch as lacke knowledge, and labour not for it,asbe- 1 ing injuriousboth to themfelves,and to their teachers.Secondly , it muff flit up all men to endevour to encreafe in knowledge,as they do define their own profiting, or the eafe and comfort of their teachers.Laftly, it warneth Mini - tì ers by Pauli example,in their teaching, to prevent offences,and to (peak wifely. T I M. What is the ether way by which be (loth explain the prepo frtian ? S I L. By the example of marriage, whereby the wife is linkt unto her huf- Ver band,and is not free til death:fo as if the marry another while he lives, fhe com- mits adultery; but he being dead, the is free to marry to whom the will,t hat fhe may bring forth to her new husband. Even fo our firft husband, to wit; finfull corruption (by the Law irritating and provoking it) brought forth evil works as children to death: but our corrupti- on being mortified by the death of Chriff,we are dead to the Law,and it is By the Lap dead to us,as the vigour of fin , having is mean, Verte 4, now no force to engender or increafe ieaweor fin in u:; fo as we are free to paffe over Gorpel,or and to marry our (elves to Chrift,as to': orR; t a new husband, by his Spirit to bring 1 osu es forth good works (as fruits ) to God. T I M. What things are we to learn from this example of Marriage? Si L. Firft, that the bond of marriage rhebood is exceeding ftriít, which nothing but br Larriiage death can difl-olve and break.True it is, ;IL & na that Adultery doth both break the knot itnra.isla- of marriage,& the Jews gave unto their til den!, wives,bils of divorce by permiflion , to :d "r " " "m futa.f raie avoid an inconvenience ; yet the Apo- r ". file doth truly fay of the wife, that the is bound till death, becaufe he fpeaketh of a marriage wel ruled & rightly govern ed,wherein nothing bath force to loofe the knot,favedeath; marriage by Gods inflitution (which Paul hererefpefìeth) was to continue fo long as life lafteth, Gen. 2. Ti x.Wbereof fhould this put to in mind? S I L. 9f tbgaexceeding great care that ,lee f^ both Parents ad Children fhould have ji0.0 desoe about the entring into this eftateofmar- iaad" ai" riage,which doth oblige and tie perfons even til death:that which is but once to be done , and lafts for the (pace of life, carrying continuall weal or woe with it, had need long to be thought of be- fore it be done;rafhnefs is the mother of late repentance, in marriage efpecially therefore be wife. TIM. What other thing is to be learned out of this example? St L. That the woman being marri; ed, bath not power over her own bo- dy, which by the Law of marriage is tubjea