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41114 202 An Expofition upon Ch ap,7, but they comprehend cur reafon and foule and body :in which, fofoil affrEti- `1 mind,as it is corrupt by fin ; and fo our I ons w orke mightily by an inward ferret evill thoughts, counfels, purpofes, devi- I force, not onely in the eares,eyes,hands, tes, imagination, difcourfes, are all mouth, &c. hut in fentes, appetite, will, contained tinder this word affe &ions. And they are called the affe &ions of fin, becaufe they r.cone from fin,2.they are themfelves frnfull,and 3.eggers unto fin- full workes, begetting in us thofe works of the flefh mentioned Gal, s. í9,2o. Tr M. Hom areebefe finfull affeeiions, faid to be by the Law,[eeing every man by Nature,bath them engrafd in him, before e- ver he heart or !mom the Lam? S i t. It is true,we have thefe affeE'ti- ons by Nature,befote we heare the Law, for they are borne with us, yet they are faid to be by the Law. Firft, becaufe thereby they are laid open, and made more known noto us,Rom.3.2 o.Stcond- Iy,by it fins are accufed,condemned,and made more grievous, Rem.7.7.infotnuch as he that offends against the will of God once knowne,hath the greater fin. Thirdly, by the Law our finfull affeEti- ons are more irritated. Rom. 7. g. For the Law(as a let in the way) forbidding As the sen and withfanding them, make them h a become more fierce and vehement, gteatet ! through the fault of one corrupt Na- faille turc, which endevoureth to doe that th San hat which is forbid unto it, and to rebel( orehe'lung- when it iscroffed by prohibitions and comminations of the Law. T I M. What are we to harnfrom hence ? Si L. That finfull luis are moll verse- mous and poyfonfitll things, being en- creafed by the Law, which God appoin- ted as a meane and remedy to relivable them. Secondly, the uit of the law to- wards all ungodly men, is to encreafe and manifefttheir fins, to caufe cheni to know their fins, and more eagerly to run after them. T r M. What iefe hereof ? Sit Itadmonilheth all, what caufe they have to be humbled in regard of their accurfed Nature, which caufeth fo good a thing as the Law, to be occahon ofmore finnes. T r sa. What it Meant bere by member!? S r t. The powers and faculties of and in the under ftanding,and minde. Tr M. What are we to learn from hence? S i y. That the affeEtions of fin are no weake and feeble things, but mighty and forcible to engender wicked 1 workes: which may be declared by cons- parifon of that force which mans feed hath in generation, which all fee to be operative and fruitfull ; and by that feed which is raft into the earth, which alío is effeEtuall and full of force. Se- condly, by the example of Gods chil- dren after their new birth, in whom their lulls had force to efrè& íeareful! things, as in Sarah, Rebecca, Noah, Lot, ilavid,Peter. Thirdly, by the example of men unregenerate, who by the force of their lufis,have been carried unto noon- Mons iniquity,as Cain, Efate, Ahab, lu- dat, Seminarie Priefts, lefuites, Gun- powderTraitors. T r M. What profit it to be made herenf to our felvet ?, S r t. By confideration of the ftrength of fin,men fhould be much mo- ved to get all the firength they can to refillfuch a mighty enemy. Secondly, it reproves fecure Chriílians which firive not againft it, becaufe they never thinke nor know how forcible a thing it is;and I by their fecurity, are miferably oppref- fed ky the tyranny of fin,which keepeth then und`t.,t like vafrals. T i .as. What it meant here by fruit to I death ? S i t. Sinful workes, which do de- ferve death,and lead to death ; without repentance, all finfull delires, thoughts; words,and works be in their owne na- ture obi tall, and become veniali, by grace onely. T r M. What be our Lent from hence? S r L. Firfl, that finne hath eternal death yoaked to it. Secondly, that un- happy eftate of men unregenerate; all whole works are nortiferous and dead- ly : asad this is the condition of our firft marriage with finne, that all the fruits that