204 An Expofition upon Chap.7, 2 Part. out conllraint ;yet it is true that fin doth exercife tyrannie over the ungodly, and holds them bound fo, as they cannot but fulfill the lulls of it. For as itfareth with a prifoner that is for debt kept and ,held by his 'labour in prifon, fo as he cannot get out, yet for Tome refpe &s he is more more willing to be in prifon then to be abroad. So it is with all fin - ners before regeneration, they fin freely becaufe their will cannot be compelled, and yet they cannot but fin, becaufe they are the fervants of bn, Joh.8 44. T I M. Whereof doll) this admonifb us? S I L. Fir(t, of the miferableellate of all men before their new birth. Second- ly, it teacheth that in our new birth, God mull utter his whole power to pull us out ofthe bands wherein the tyrant fin violently held us: a ffronger then he muff come, or elfe we cannot be freed. TIM. What it the end of our freedorne from fin and the Law? SIL. Not to live as we lift, but to ferve God who hath been fo gracious to us, as to fet us free from fuel; tyrannie; which we all Rand bound to do in thefe two refpe &s. Firft, as he is God our Creator, full ofMajeftie having domi- nion over us. Secondly,as he is our ñter cifull and mighty redeemer,having freed us from the crueli bondage of our fins, he hath paid a price for us, foas we are not our own, but his, to ferve and glo- rifie him in body, and fpirit. I Cor. 6. and lab verle. As prifoners taken in war,and afterwards ranfom'd,are bound to ferve their redeemer : fo ele& ones are obliged to Chrifb their ranfomer, and alto their husband, to bring forth godly works, to the honour and glory ofhis name. T r M. How will thin God be finite!? SI L. Not in the oldnefs ofthe letter, but in the ncwnefs of the Spirit; that is, in fuch a new and holy life, as is wrought in us by the Spirit, and not as we were wont to ferve him before our calling. Tlst.' What dotb the Ape fileftgnifie tor to us by tbefe work, when be faith, ?bat they are to frve God in n ewnefr, ere.] Sit.. By newaefs is meant here a new life, or a pure and unblamable life, led according to the will of God, which doth confifl in a two-fold change : the ;,vr " J2), one is inward, of the minde and will, 1Pretwro when of foolifh and perverfe , we are f»tern.r q; made wife , to difcerne what pleafeth .a.ei,,t;,, God, and obedient to follow it : the o- "t u'7/4 then is outward, when we which have rytepb' our foules thus inwardly regenerate, do fhew forth in our manners, new and un- wonted words and works, fpeaking and doing far otherwifethen we were wont to do, while we were unregenerate and natural; men. T In them that are thus changed and renewed, it all become new in them? SI L. Yea, all both within and with- out,butnot wholly and perfe&ly new: for in thofe that are renewed, there lbcketh much corruption, which is daily to be mortified ; but they are Paid to ferve God in a newcourfe of life,becaufe though fin remain in them, yet they do not now obey the motions of fin as be- fore, but refill and drive againfi them; obeying and following for the moil part new and holy defires and motions, do- ing good duties out ofthe love of God, and of their brethren, whom before they refpe &ed not, but themfelves alto- gether. Examples hereof wee have in thefe Romanes, and in Paul the Apoflle, Rom. 6.1 -6. and the converted Theefe, and fundry others. Luke 23. T z M. What le the leffbn and doUfrine from hence? S i L. Fhb, that it is not pofftble we fhould ferve God and do things pleating to him, till we be changed and renued. The reafen is,becaufe we are not fuf ici- ent to think a good thought of our felves: and Scondly, becaufe God doth not allow any worker, but Inch ascome from one engraffed into his Son;for it is faith thatpurifieth the heart. AU. II, 9 TIM. What is the uje of thin? S I L. To reprove Papifis, and filch blindProteflants which think to pleafe God with good intents, and civili life, without new birth. Secondly, to move all men to labour for renuing in ho- linefs. Ti II, Now tell ut ruby warner; it attributed