4-9 206 An Expof tion upon (bélike) taking hold of it, did fowreft it, or might fo turne it, as if he had taught that the Law did perfwade to fin, and were the proper efficient caule of it; which contumelious and reproachful) flander, would have touched God the Author. Ti x. What inffruúions may we gather from this part of the Text coaching the Obje. Oxon? SIL. Thefetwo; Firft,thatno Do- (trine can be fo found, nor fo warily de- livered, but malicious perlons will cavil and wrelt it to a contrary meaning. This proceeds from an hatred they beare unto their teaches s, which caufeth ;them that they diftafte their do&rine, and carp at it. Secondly, the Minilters of Chrift mull be careful!, and able not only to propound the truth foundly, but to de- fend it againft wicked obje &ions an 1 cavillations : otherwife, there is danger left weak and unflable mindes be per- verted and drawn from the truth, by fuch asfpeak again!! it : our nature be- ing more prone to fuck in errour, then to receive the truth. Part. 2. T I M. Tell us now how the Apoflkdab anfwer the former objeilion. . S I L. Two waies ; Firfi, by inficia- tion or deniall,in there words [God for- bid,Jwhich are words that utter a loath- ing or deteftation of filch an impiety, as to make the Law the caufe of fin; as if he fhould fay, He was fo far from doing any fuch thing, as he did abhor the mo- tion or thought of any fuch Do&rine. T t M. What input-lion have we from this part of Paula animer? S I L. That it is our duty when we heart the truth of God depraved, not only to miflike it, but to declare that we have it in deteftation and abomination; which ferves to reprove cold and indif- ferent Chriftians, who can abide to heart the true Minifters of Chrift, and their Do&rine to be flandered, without any care or grief, like to luke-warm La- odieeans, Revel. 3. o 5. TIM. What is the next and fecond part of Paul,anfiner? SI L. By argumentation and found reafon fetched and taken from the con- trary. As thus: the Law cannot be the caufe to beget and perfwade fin, for that it is the inftrument to difcover it , and make fin known unto us; dete&ing the deceits and affaults of fuch an enemy, that we beware ofit : as Pauls Kinfman dete &ed the treafon of the Jews againft Paul, Aar 23.16. Upon which dete- ftation of fin, if fin do the more rage and rebell in us againft the will ofGod ; this is not to be imputed to the Law, but to our corrupt nature , which growes work, and more fierce by that which fhould reftrainand helpe it. All this the Apoftle proves by his own example:for he confeffeth that there were Tome fins which he knew not to be fins, till the Law did reveale them unto him to be fo; whereof he gives an inflame in lulu, or in the evill motiorg of the mind, fud- denly conceived without the content of our will ; of which he faith, That had not the Law told him they had been fins, laying; [Tbeu pall not loft,] he had not millruited them, or thought them to be fetch grievous matters, as to be offences of God, and to deferve damnation. [I had not known luft,except the Law hadPaid, tc. ] TI M. What are we to learn by this, that the Apofile names himfelf, and prover theft things by his own experience? S t L. Two things ; Firft, it is lawfrtl for the Minifters of the word, to report what they have learned by their own experience, in the matter of fin and faI- vation : this is a great help and con- firmation of the hearers, if it be truly and difcreetly done. Secondly, this ex- ample of Paul, dire &s all men to enter and goe down into themlelves, to get underltanding of their elate and cafe: the reafon is, becaufe till they come to As Posi fee and feel how corrupt and wretched h safineap they are through fin, they will never be the Law, humble nor perceive what need they orncentr have of Chrift, but contrariwife they into km. will rather defpife and let light by the 3,.I. do&ine of free falvation by the bloud of vests hg e e Chril;as it happened unto this Apoftle, "ample' who being a Pharifee, before he defcen- deal into himfelf, and fearched his heart by the light ofGods Law, he took him- felf