2c8 An Expofrtion upon Ehap.7, help and light of Gods Law, which forbiddeth lull. Hence wee are put in mind again, how diligently the Law of God is to be learned and weighed of us, feting without it, the hidden fins of our nature cannot be efpied and known;nor the force of fin fo throughly felt, as to enforce us to Chrift. T iM. But what Luft may it be, that this our Text mentioneth? fir there be fan- dry forts of lufts, forne be good lulls which be cannot meane, and finfull tufts be not all of one Js ssde. Show us which of themis under- flood here? SI L. It is true (as ye fay) for there be naturali lull's, when things tending to pretèrvation of our own nature are delired; there is alto a fpirituail lull (an hungring and thirfting for juftice) which is adefire ofheavenly things that come from the Spirit; and "alfo there is carnal and finfull luft,which is of things contrary unto God. There be meant here, but not all thefe. For of finfull lulls, there be fundry kinds ; as fir] O- riginall luft, which is the fountain,root, and fpring of all other fins, being that which is called birth-fin, or corruption of nature. This Originali lul,isan im- potency of mans heart, whereby it is inordinately difpofed to this or that e- vil.Secondly,aEtuall luft, which is every evill motion and delire of the foule a- gainl the Law of God. This proceeds as a fruit from the former, Rom. 6, 12. of which there are two degrees : the one is an evict motion of the mind fuddenly conceived without confent of wills this is called voluntary lull. The other is an evils motion, which goeth together with confent, and is joined with pur- pole and deliberation. James i. 15. This is called voluntary lulls, becaufe it bath the confent ofour will, and is not only in delire, but in refolution to effe& it, if occafion ferve.Now our Text doth not (peak of our voluntary luls, which are confented unto by our will, and re- folved upon. Firl, becaufe withoutthe morali law, Paul might know thefe lulls to be fin by the light of natural reafon, as many Heathens did. Secondly, by that which followes in this Chapter, it appeares he fpeaks of fuch lulls as be refilled, and irkfome to a godly mind, which do lead the Saints captive, even againft their will, making them cry out [ 0 miferable men! ] and therefore it is an originali lul, which is the pravity ofnature difpofed to evil, (which is meant here,) and alfo the firlt degree of a&uall lulls, to wit,fuch as go before confent : the morali Law being rightlyunderftood of the Apofile, gave him light to fee that thofe lulls were fins, deferving eternali death; which be- fore he knew the Law he did not per - ceive,or once furl-Wife it to be fo, or to click fo deeply in his nature, and fo to makehim obnoxious to Gods wrath. T 1 M. Let ter now heere what dotlrines and lens we are to gather from hence? S t L. The firft is this, the miferable elate wherein all men land by Adams fall, having their nature wholly poifo- ned and corrupted by fin, luting after evil] things alone ; infomuch as if we Ihould never think, fpeak, nor do evil], yet our very corruption of nature being the breach ofGods eternal Law,maketh us guilty of eternal wrath.Secondly,our T teal. evill delires and motions, though they an`d auñ,m be mifliked and flriten again], yet they atcnbea. be fins, and deferve hell fire,becaufe they ga,nlithe are tranfgrellions of the Law. Ln}v of rh T 1 M. What of and profit is to be made mind, a.t, oftbef dollirisses? S h L. Firl, every one mull fee that they haveneed of the death and blond- flied of Chrift, even for the leak vain and finfull thought or imagination, yea for healing their infe &ed dead na- ture. Secondly , that every one mull be humbled, mourne, and with fights crave pardon for filch thoughts, and for their natural] inclination to fin. wed orun Thirdly, all Chrilians land bound,not 4ormed,be. onely to take care and heed of their (e oonteur, words and works, but even of their is robe re. thoughts and delires ; for there mull a a:é 1, confcience be made, not only of what coneuprc men fpeak and do, but what men think meefe,r`;; and delre. Fourthly, it ferves to re- curauybut prove fuch as do think evill thoughts áiá gill. to be free : alto fuch as know evil] mire thoughts to be fins, and yet labour roitsn. not