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Ver. 8, 9. the Epif¢le to the Romans. 209 not to bridle and mortifie them : and lally, it confutes the Papiífs,that afhrrn that luff becaufe it is unvoluntary and naturali, is not fin, unttiil it be con lent- ed to by the will, till then it isbutfomea peccati, and let ad agonem. T1se. What fàrtherloffrudlion may we obferve out of chit prefènt Text ? SI L. That in ele& perfons baptized, and by the Spirit effe &ually regenera- ted, concupifcence doth remain as a fin and a vicious thing; the reafon is, bc- caùfe it is written, [no (halt not 1fi: j which fhewes it to be fin, elfe it fhould not be forbid,nor called by the name of fin, as it is often in this Chapter, yea in Paul being regenerate, as verfe a 7. not alone for that it is the effe& of fin, as the writing is called ones hand, or the caul of fin, as death is termed pale ; but for that it is properly and truly fin, being a Rebel againft the government of the Spirit in the minde of godly perfons, Chapter 7.23. and caufeth death which fpringeth only from fin properly taken. Romans 5. 13, 14. &c. Indeed it is forgiven the ele& touch- ing guilt , but the fault and fpot is not removed, as the Confcience of the ho- lieft perfons may and do witnefs to them. Whereto agreed/ Axguf?iner te- ftimony. Coneupifeenti.e reacts, in Itap- tifine folvitur; Jed infirmitat manes: and again ad Juliam, Concsepifcentia minai, confumi non poteft. It is therefore a novel errour in the Romifh Synagogue, repugnant to Scripture and Antiquity, to teach that Concupifcence both for guilt and corruption is quite abolifhed in the regenerate ; by which error they extenuate fins extoll mans nature and free will and ability to keep the Coni- mandements ; ilfo diminifh the benefit ofChrift his grace, leffon our prayers and thankfitlnefsto God, and our dili- gence and care to purge out fuch a Bain as Concupifcence is. DIALOGUE VI. Verte 8, 9. .. But fen tooJc pecafion by the óommandement and wrought in »see all manner of eoneu- pifeence ; for without the Lan', fin it dad : for I was once alive .without the Law, but when the, eke. T I MOT HEu S. WHat it the 'Um and purple of this Text with the feverall parts of it? S I L. It doth deliver unto us the fecond ufe of the Law, in refpc& of men which are unregenerate, whole fin is 'Andw;t encreafed and irritated by the Law au it tay h- th' through the praeity and corruption of the caufe of Gn upon nature, taking occafion by the Law hiddenmr. more to rebel againft God. The parts prúperly, of this Text are two : the firff is a pro- pofition,inthefewords,[But fintcòkpc- duentaliy pon the caf nn: ] the fecond is a reafon, in thefe law. words, [For without the Law Ft, it dead.] TIM. Now come to expound the word,, t Part and tell no what it meant by the word Sin, and by Commandement? Sít. By fin is meant corruption of 2(y+ Dia. nature, or that originall lull which is 1; ,re r`.m the root of all other fins,which is either ¡.dperoaruni in thought, word, or deed, in omiffion 'weir or commiflion;and by Commandement .nutttia_ is meant, that Commandement men- tioned in the former verfe, which for biddeth loft, and that when it is' truly known and duly confidered. T r M. In what meaning is it Paid, that fin tooltoccafion by shit commandement? Si L. This: that the Law in its own nature is fo far from being the cause. of fins and tranfgreTons, as it doth not fo much y ecld or give any occafion of fin- ing; but mans corrupt nature being irritated, provoked, and ftirred up by the prohibitions of the Law once mani- fatly known,doth fnatch and take occa- flon thereby to become more fierce, and to break out into more foule fins. And this is it which is meant by the word [Wrought:]foe the meaning is,that mans corrupt nature by the knowledg of thé Law, Which condemneth it, in Head of being amended thereby, doth beget and bring forth fin and finfull delires more aboundantly. Even as Rivers flow fron a Fountain, and fparkles arife out of a Furnace : fo corrupt nature engendreth more wicked lulls, the more it fees it is' refirained by the Law. . Ta Thu.