Ver. 8, 9 Part. 2. the Epiffle to the Romans. 211 Concupifcence is more then a deft& of jufiice, as ficknefs is a defe& of health: but it is a very fin, offending God, and making nature culpable, being condem- ned in the Law, and the very proper caufe begetting all vicious motions and aetions within and without man. Tits. What it it to be without the Law? SIL. TO want the true knowledge ofthe Law: for it cannot be faid, that any are fimple and altogether without the Law, Icing all men have the Law cf Nature written in them. Two forts want the true knowledge of the Morali Law ; as Infants and Children, which for want of age cannot attaine the un- derftanding of the Law. Secondly, men of yeares, which either do not at all confider it, or but flenderly. On the o- ther fide, they may be Paid to know the Law, which fo know the true meaning, as therewithall they do think upon it fo long, till they fee and feel their fins, and the deep danger of them ; except men know the Law to this purpofe,they had biter be without the Law. Tr m. W,at then it the inffraEfion from thence? S "r L. That whofoeverdoheare the Law and Gofpell, without application to themfelves for humbling and ftrengthening of them, it may be truly faid that they are without the word of God, whatfoever knowledge they get ; asa man is without the fun, without riches, when he hach no uCe of them, though he have riches, &c. , Ts M. What is the ate of this Dolfrind S t L. To reprove fuch as heart the word,and content themfelves with Tome general( confuted knowledge, and not ponder it nor apply it to themfelves, that they may be touched throughly with it : of thefe it is true which is writ- ten, They heart and do not under fiand, and they fee and do not fee; which is a moft heavy judgement of GOD, and worfe then famine, plague, and fword. T i m. What,o the meaning of thiâ, that he faithfxn it dead? Sit. That is,without the due know- ledge of the Law, fin lyeth Rill, void. of Pek'tw force and power as if it were dead ; nei- ..fag, ..eb¡gw legit notitis Pen Caro tste, an m gas mop) neu sppan :, p, nisei igne- 41W tnten.kbr theris it known to be fo grievous as it is : as a dog which while he fleepeth he feemeth to be dead, but if you awake him, he will fly in your throat : or as a body is Paid to be dead when -it wants ftrength and moves not; fo fin before the true knowledge of the Law, becanfe it doth not fir and rage, is therefore faid to bé dead. Tim. In what fenfe doth Paul fay he b war alive witbotat the Law? S r L. Not that he lived indeed, but that he Teemed to himfelfe to live tó God-ward,becaufe;hewas not troubled; non his confcience made afraid of Gods' juflice and vengeance, till the Law was well known unto him, and duly con& dered of him : which his cafe may be declared by the fimilitudeof one who hach an enemy, and growes fecitre, be caule he is quiet and flits not, thinking hirnfèlf Cafe. So Paul, while fin was not impelled and flirted by the Law, took hirnfelf to be alive indeed, and out of all peril! of perishing bp' eternal' death. Ti id. What it the infiruúiont that to be gathereeifrom theft words, being thus opened and expounded? . S i L. In the perfon and cafe of Paul, As in a . we learne what is the-eflate of all natia- wbistt hash rail men, while they are ignorant of, or no Law, or (idly regard not the law, fo long they ,eirn R g° do little or nothing feel their fins, or 'their dime!, f earetheirowndancnation ;butcoñtra- for nod riwife judge themfelves to be happyland crimes, and alive, though they be dead and mifera- of eft rite bk. This their fearefull eflate, may be dr ó, h /ea . let forth unto us, by the comparifon Fara with of one being Fick near co death,yet com- 'the conrd- ]aint but faith he is rick be- ence oEa plains o not firmer, fiñ cauCe he feels not his d'ilèafe : even fo it 'is Tier an fareth with all unregenerate men , be- fore they have the tight underffanding known. of the Law, and of their fins and dan- ger thereby, they take themfelves tribe in blefled cafe having their fins forgiven them, bccaufe they are blockifli, with= out all true -fente and feeling of their. fins ; which how dangerous a cafe it is, may hereby be perceived. For as a man not feeling ;his ficknels, neglc &- eththe means of health,and dies with- out remedy: fo thefe, not feeling their T multitude