2 12 An Expof Lion upon multitude of tins,d o think that they are ( paid, be dyed? S i L. That is, while before he fie- v;,.r. mebt oiAei.r med to himfelf to be alive, now he law a Bag: himfelf to be under the wrath of God, t,`a'tit and etern all condemnation, through rarer, the breach of the Law.Hence came death (not from the Law) as he fheweth by his own example. T iM. What infiruEïiont bave we from hence? S I L. This that the Law ferveth to As a te kill men, by (hewing and making them óaeái3 feel that they are dead and moti wret- ;ronebey ched,byreatonof their fins. Some are rodcdout ofn c thus killed to deflruétion, as Cain, Ejail, :::::,:edr,ft?oety and Judas, and filch as wholly defpair; aOthers are killed unto falvation;as Foul . and fuch as by their defpair are driven to Chriff, when they are brought to fee nothing in themfehes, fave matter oft - ternall mifery, and be out of hope ever to be faved by any flrength or goodnefs in themfelves, this caufeth them to look about for fuccour from elfewhere. 'Pries Ws- ', flr non jéiel ie/.t- k; . Tar.es. The corn- ng of the Comman- aements is he trne frnfe . knowledge, of not (truing and raging,it doch move } ,derar;on of and trouble our mindes to fee, and to the Law, feel it. For fin is never truly dead in any naturali man, but counterfetly,and in Teeming only, while the knowledge of the Law is abfent:there is a true death of fin by the holy Ghoft, as ch. 6. 2, 3. and a diffembled death,while the law is hid from us. Tara. What doth the Apoffle mean ill the beginning of the so. verfee, when be well already, therefore they never feek earnelfly after thrift, but do perifh in their fenfelefs opiate. And this is the condition of many thoufands which do live in the Church of God. TIM. What it theproftt to be made of this point of Doílrine? S I L. Firft, it may provoke fuch as neither felt the fling and force, nor fea- red the datnnatiotfof fin, to miftruff their own elate greatly,, that they are not alive to God, howfoever it kerns otherwife to them : for the reafon why their confcience is quiet, & theirrninds at reff, as if they did live and were in blips, it is becaufe fin is dead and quiet in them through their ignorance,or ill regard of the Law.Secondly,that Chri- stians muff reckon it a great mercy of God, to have the law truly expounded, and wifely applyed to themfelves, that they may come to feel their fins & their own miferable condition, as they may be provoked by that means to leek a re- medy.laftly,fuch as aredifquieted & vex- ed about their fins, through the threat - ningsof the law,are in better plight then many, which neverknew what trouble of mind meant, becaufe they are nearer unto Chriff then the other be. T I M. Now expound the other part 'of this ninth verfe, and tell to plainly what is mean t by thecommandement, and the words following? St L. That commandement which forbiddeth luft , or all eviil delires; which is faid tocome to one, when it is rightlyunderffood, without which the commandement is as it were abfènt fròm us, as the fun when it fhineth not. Alpo, fin is Paid to revive, when inftead Chap DIALOGUE VII. Verts so, s I, The fame commandement which warordain- ed to life, was found to be unta me unto death. at. For fin tookoccafron by the commandement and deceived me, and thereby flew me. TIasoTHEus. WE/at io the drift of this Text? S I L. To prove that the Law is not properly the caufe of death but fin, v. so, and withall to (hew how it is,tbat finn did flay and kill Paul; namely by deceiving him, v.y 1. he cleareth now the Law from being cable of deftru&ion, as before from being cattle offin. Ti Mt. How it it proved that the Law it not the caufe of death and of Godrwratb? S I L . Boca ufe on Gods part it was ors dained unto this end, that it might give life ; but linfal lulls ftirred up in Paul, by occafion of the Law deceived him, and by that deceiving, flew him fpiri- tually: fo fin is the proper caufe, and by it (elfe, of death ; Law Is the oc- cation