/14 An Expofition upon Chap.7, the feeling of their owne deferved dam- theReprobate,his tender flefh extream- nation;thattheymay becomecapable of ly pained in'every joint and (new, his th grace of Chrifi unto falvation. Se- foul lying inunexpreffible horror , fil- condly,to comfort chofe which be hum- led with hatred of God,blafphemy,and bled to hel gates, in the fenfe of their defpair,fretting and vexing not fò much fins, feeing by this means God is a pre- in the tenfè of prefent punifhtnent paring of them for his Son, to become which yet is eafeleffe and endleffe, as in meet to be his membersby faith.Laftly, remembrance of his exceeding lolíe,be- to admonifh fuch faithful] Chrittians ing calf out of Gods kingdome , as have by the Law been brought to feel without hope of recovery.And here re- the death due to their fins, to be thank- member (I pray)that this wofull spate fall in word and deed for filch a delive- every one lath deferved a thoufand rance.Rom]. 7. 25: This is both the du- wales. The fourth and loft, is the ntoft ty and teftimony of a truly delivered bitter death and paffion of our Lord Je- lmner, which bath indeed by the death fus, wherein let hint fce and confider of Chrift draped death. hinfélf as principal( debter,and Chrift T r M. But tell me what court finnere but as his furety,fuffering for his fin, e- areto talee,tbat they mayget the fitund f sling ven at the hands of his own vaflàis,the of their (tame wofull damnation/1w to their Jews and Gentiles,moit grievóus taunts, fine? lcornes,and reproaches, moil (nartfeill S`1 L. It is no eafie thing to getit,nor buffetings, whipping, crowning and . every Inners cafe to cone by it : yet I piercing with thorns, fpears, and nails, tl,>vd contend unto the finner(dehrous in his head,hands and feet, ( his molt to be humbled, ) four looking-glaffes tender parts : ) and at the hands of his wherein if he ufè often and intentively angry revenging Father, receiving filch tobeho ldhimfelf,hemay haply through ntvifible firokes in his foul, as drew Gods mercy attain his defire, to his e- from his body abundance of bloody verlalling good. The firft is Adams fall, fweat in the Garden ; and from his wherein he (hal fee not only himfelf de- mouth a moll dolefull complaint and prived of all goodneffe and expofed to cry upon the Croffe, My God, my God, all finne and mifery, but the whole race why haft thou forfaken me ? Hereupon if of mankind,and all creatures in heaven a man will confider this deeply, that if and earth folded in Gods &arfull male- Gods wrath did lye fo heavy upon diaion atad vengeance.Gen. 3. Rom. 8. Chrift for fin imputed,whoallo had his 2. The fecond,is the curfeofthe Law, divine power to uphold his man -hood . in which he (hall fee God as a moli ter- in fufferirg it, how heavy will it lye, rible Judge, moil feverely denouncing when it lighteth upon a taxer man; and unto his Creature, ( the work of his for his own fin ? This meditation may hands)all the miferies bodily and fpiri- prevail much to bring down the floutel tuall,which are innumerable; feparati- and prpudeft heart and ftomack that is, on in the end of life of the body from in the fight and feeling of his own mi- the foul,which is terrible; and after this fery,which by defert of fin isdue to hint life ended, everlafting deftruEtion both in iufiice; or if this doe not the cafe is of body and (oule,which is molt horn- very hard, for it is a figs of a full hard ble:and all this even for thelea(t front- heart not to be touched with grief, for greff on of his Law,Deut.27. 26. The loch grievous things as the only Son of third is the eftate of a damned man in God for our caufe endured. hell,where he fhall fee a lively piEture of T r M,I\'ow that you have told as bow mifery it felt, o wit,a man for fin chai- the Law sloth kill us , by engendring itt us ned up in a prifon,where there is a con- a fenfe of Gods rerath and eternall death; let tinuall night, and moll lamentable roa- me beare you declare unto me by what meant ring and out - cries, having for his corn- fin diet 1`ill Paul, panions,theDevill,and his Angels, and S s L. Sin deceived him,afia fo flew him. .. Glàtk. 2. GiatCe, 3. Glatie. 4. Claire.