Ver. 12. the Epifile to the Romans. 211 Text. By authori- ty. xampfe. Reafon. him t deceitfull fin killed him T r M.Wbat s' the inflraifiott from hence? S s L. That fin is a deceitfu II thing, may appear by ì:hefe three wales. Firft, by the tellimony ofScripture,as Heb. 3. 2, 13. Tale heed left an) of you 6e harde- nedtbr000gb the deceitfeelnefe of fin : alto in Eph. 4.22. the lofts of fin are called deceiveable lofts : now whatfoever God faith is deceitfull,muft needs be fo, for he cannot lye.Secondly,by the example, firlt of Paul, conferring that fin deceived him, he being very wife, learned, and heedfull.Secondly, of Peter, who was deceived by his finfull prefumption. Thirdly,of Solomon,and David, by in- continency. Fourthly, of Judas, who was deceivedby covetoufneffe. Laftly, of Herod by pride. Thirdly, by reafon, becaufe it isthe brood of the Devil ,that old Serpent,f ill of fubtilty, who decei- ved the whole world by his guile and craft : the child being like his father, fuck damme,fuch brood.Second reafon: fin is in quality contrary. to holineffe, . therefore as holineffe bath fincerity and truth, fo fin hath deceit and guile an- nexed to it. Laftly, feeing it makes our hearts deceitful!, therefore it Celle mull needs be full of deceive. For that which maketh a thing to be fuch, it felfe is more fuck.&uod facie tale,id eft mag it tale. Ariflot. T r u. What boot and danger is tbtre itt being received ? S i L. From this deceit of fin fprings hardneffe of heart,and fpirituall dead- neffe,Heb. ;. 13. And after this, there followes eternal! death, without the mercies of God,and great repénrance. Tim. Are all men deceived alike? S s t. No :the wicked are deceived wholly and willingly, and unto their deftru&ion.Theelelt in foam things are deceived by fin,even after calling, but never wholly and finally. TIM. After what fort and wayes cloth fin deceive US ? Si t. First, by making men thinke that they are alive and happy, when they are dead and miferable through fin. Secondly, by canting them to negleft their inward thoughts,and lufts,refting in outward obedience only , as if that ware enough, and could juftifae them. Thirdly,by infinuating it lelfinto their hearts, becomming more pleafane and delightful! to them ;by the prohibitions of the Law , forbidding and condem- ning it. By there three waies elpecially, was Paul deceived with fin. Fourthly, by blinding our judgement, by putting out the eles ofour mind,that we lhould not be able to fee it to be a finne in our felves,tivhich we fee to be afin in others; and not to be a fault in particular,which men do know to be a fault in the gene - rall.As the covetous, proud, malicious, will condemne cove eoufneffe,pride,ha- tredingenerali, yet perceive not that their own aftions favor of thee vices. Fifdy,fin perfwades men,that the things which the Lawforbids, are good and commodious for them; as fome kind of lyes , and fome little breaking of the Sabbath,and ufury,and filch like finne, cloth often put on the name and coun- tenance of venue as pride of cleanli- neffe,niggardneffe ofthrift; great (wea- ringand revenge of manhood and cou- rage,&c.Seventhly,it turneth away our thoughts from thinking eat neftly,upon the punifhment due to fin. Eightly, when we doe any good, it maketh us afcribeit to our felves,and to think that we have kept the Law. Ninthly, our finful I nature frames itfelfeglad to hear the Law, and yet continually drawes from the obedience of it.Laitly, it per - fwadeth us,that there is more cafe and pleaftite in following our lufts,then in obeying Gods Law.There be other ways innumerable,whereby fin ufeth to de- ceive men,yet there be common and molt dangerous,which Í have named. T tic ;non profit it to be made of dolt doctrine? S i L. It reproves fuck as are igno- rant of the nature offin,notfo much as knowing that it is deceitful!. Alto fuch as knowing this, yet fufpeftit not, but are fecure ; not providing and arming themfelves againfi the Heights of fin.Se- condly, it teacheth all men what need they have of wifedome and warinefíe, and all good circamfpe&ion , confide- , ti