f 216 Cum" feu new gee gigot Factotum, gut meat", fed precaram f ha5ttanr, u rur eau, ne efra 4m. naudam. An Expofition upon Chap,7 ring what a deceitful' enemie they have within their own bofome, and how ma- ny wife men have been deceived; and how eafiea thing it is to bee deceived, and what danger it is to bee deceived : therefore watch, take heed, and pray continually. DIALOGu &VIII. Verte I z. Wherefore the Law it holy , and that Corn- mandement it bely, and lull, and good. T IMo TH En S. \vHat it the femme of tbefe words? S I L. A conclufion of the things laid before, concluding the Law not to be the caufe of fin, by a reafon fetched from the property of the Law, thus : the Law is good and holy, there- fore cannot be the caufè of fin .For hów- foever it doth dete& and thew fin , and doth irritate and encreafe it in natural' men, yet the fault is not in the Law which is jufl,but in our felvs which aule it. Now whatfoever is the caufe of tin, muff needs be it Pelf Gnfull and unjuft. Therefore a Law juft and holy, cannot beget fin which is filthy. T I M. What Law and Commande- ment doth he mean here in this Text? S I L. He meaneth the morali Law delivered by Motes unto the people; and by Commandement mutt be meant,that Commandement which fot biddeth loft, and condemns it as fin. The reafon why he mentioneth both Law and Com- mandement , is to Phew that thefe pro - perdes here named, doe agree to the wholeLaw,and to every part o fit. For, if the Law be holy, it doth follow ne- ceffarily, ehatevery Commandement is fo; and on the contrary, if any one Commandement be holy, juft, and good, the whole Law muff bee fo. The reafon why he tingled out that Com- mandement which forbids tuft, is be- cattle it needed clearing. And hereunto our Apoftle borroweth thefe properties of the Law,from Pfa1.19. 7,8.9.where it is written,That the Law of God it un- defiled, his teffimonies pure, bis judgements riihteour, &c. T I M. What is meant here by holy, and in what refpeFt it tbeLaw called holy? S I L. By holy is meant that which Holi. is pure and undefiled, fevered from all I Lrx pollution and falfbood,lies,fns, and er- j.¡ra,b ;,a' fors. To which purpofe it is likened to ;Z:76:7. Over tried in the fire leven times, Pfal. '=,; a, e, I 12. 6. and to the light of the Sun, Pia'. Pa.... 119. The refpe &s for which it is called ''a "r`- holy,be five. Fiat, God the Authour of the Law, is moft holy. Secondly, it was publifhed by the Miniflery of the holy Angeis.Thirdly,Mofe, the penman,and the Prophets the Interpreters of it were holy. Fourthly,the matter holy,to wit, rh, e feâ all duties to God or man. And laftly, .; chelik the end it aims at , is to make a people to mica . holy to God.Therefore it mutt needs be holy. T I M. In what fenfe and reirpzU it the Law called juff,and good Si L. It is called juft:Firfl,becaufe it is righteeus,having in -it no wrong or iniquity. Secondly, it teacheth left things. Thirdly, it proceedeth from a left God.Fourthly, itis able to juflifie futh asperfeetly keep it. Fiftly, it juffly denounceth death to them that break it. Alfo,it is called good : Firft, becaufe it liketh, alloweth, and beareth with no paod. evill.Secondly,it (heweth us every good way which we are to walke. And la lily, it bath promifes of many good things, both temporal' and eternal' ; for this life and for a better. T I M. How eije canye fit thefe proper- ties to the Law? S I L. Thtia : It is holy,becau(e ho- line& towardGod is taught in the firft Table of the Law;juft,becaufe juft ice to- wards our neighbour is taught in the fecond Table;and becaufe the good and perfe &way is taught in both the Ta- bles;as alto, God the chief good, who and what he is,and what he willed]. TI M. What is the ufe and profit we are to make unto our felves, from thee properties of the Law? S I L. Very many and manifold. Firft, itfharply reproveth them which think or fpeak reproachfully of the doEìrine of Gods Law. Secondly, it doth admonifh us,with delight, reve- rence ,"