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Ver. 13. the Epiftle to the Romans. ti 7 rence,and love, to think and fpeake, to read and hear it,being fo highly praifèd of Gods own mouth.Thirdly,it proves the Scripture of the Law, to bee infpired ofGod,whofe image itbears,being like himfelf, in his molt glorious properties. Dent. ç. 8. g. Fou rthly, it cowmen- deth to us, the great mercy of God,and fets forth the great dignity of his peo- ple, in having a Law fo holy and jolt given unto them. Fifdy, it incourageth all Chriftians to be very ftudious in the Law,to learne it, and carefully to pra- &ife ir, being a rule fo right and pure. Sixtly,it bewrayeth what a filthy and foul thing fin is, that is contrary unto fo holy a Law.Seventhly,it in formes all men,that they ought to bear with, and to brooke the fevere difcipline of the Law,becaufe it is good and jui. Eight - ly, hereby all men mat be warned to nand with Gods Lawagain it their dea- reft tufts, to condemnewhatfoever the Law condemneth, and to praife what - foever the Law praifeth.Ninthly,here is a pattern for Teachers, how to frame their Dottrine, to fee that it be holy, juft, and good; as well as for hearers how to frame their converfation, to look to it,that it be Poch as the Law is; for till it be fuch, it is never holy and juft.Tenthly, that we mull have in ho- nour and eftimation,not only the word of the Law,but every portion of it , it being throughout like it felf.Laflly, we fee here what to judge of the Gofpel; namely,that it is a do&rine ful ofgood - netfe,jultice, and holineffe , worthy of all love and obedience. For if the Law beholy,fure the Gofpel is no leffe. For it is from the fame Author penned by as holy inftruments and Secretaries , containing matter molt Divine and ho- ly,even redemption by Chrift; and not only tending unto, but ferving to make us holy,effe Ling it in us; being the po- wer of God to falvation, and fo to fan - Etification,whlch is one part offalvati. on, as jufti flcation is the other, which we attain by thcGofpel only, Rom. T. 16,17, DIALOOuEIX. Verfe, 53. Was that thenwhich is good made death un- to me? God forbid. For fin,that it might appear fin, wrought death in me by that which is good, that fnne might bee out of meafure finfull by the commandement? TsMOTHEUS. Hat is the drift of this Text? S I t. To clear the Law from a new flander,which might by cavillers be cati upon ir. The [hinder was, that Paulin hisdo&rine did make the Law a very peftitent thing, the very caufe of death to himfelfe , whom it had flain, ver. 8. The which Hander he dochwipe away, and difcharge himfalf of it thus: Firit, by denying it [ God forbid. ] Se- condly, by turning the blame of death upon finne [For fznne. ] As if he fbould fay, it is not the Law which is made death, but it is fin which begets death. Thirdly, he proves by reafon, that the Law cannot be the caufe of death for that it is fpirituall( that is ) ordering or framing a man to fpirituall obedi- ence, and to live conformably unto God; which if any could do,they fhould not dye,but become fpirituall and live for ever:therefore in it [elf it mutt needs be an holy and a good thing. T e M. What learn wee out of the Ob- jtEion? S t t. Thata malicious Caviller wil never make an end of obje&ing againft the truth,an unfanEtifìed wit is ever un- fatiable.Such as enquire and cbje& fo- berly,out of a delire to learn,will loon receive fatisfation : but wanton wits, and contradiaing fpirits, delight in eroffing the truth.Therefore their error being plainly [hewed them, they are to be lefc,left we can pearls before Swine. Secondly, that the Do&rine of the Gofpell,doth lye open unto many han- ders of wicked men, who becaufe they will not beleeve foundDo &rive and o- bey it, therefore theyare jufily given over to the Spirit of calumniation; a- gainft fuch,men muff be armed. Third - ly,it behooveth theMinifters ofChrift, not