Ver. I3. the Ep ftle to tbe Romans. 219 againf his inward and fecret corrupti- ons and hypocrilie,brought him to fee, and feel himfel f to be in the cafe of a Felon condemned to dye, even a molt miferableand dead man, without the grace of God in Ierns Quilt; this was the beginning of his converfion. T r M. Tell us now wlatinffruiiiont we are to gather from all this. S r L. Two : Firft, that it is a mans own thine which produceth and be- getteth his death, the Law only (hewed' a man his fin, convi &s him of it, and maketh him feel hintfelfe guilty of death : provoking him by his owne fault, to doe that which (hall more de- ter ve condemnation. For as an earthly King hearing of forre fubjeas apt to mutiny 'and rebellion, gives his corn- mandemen t to them to forbear atfem- bling, to wear tao weapons upon pain of death; hereby they are made the more tumultuous, are apprehended, convifted,as guilty of the breach of the Kingsedi&, and therefore executed, whereof their rebellious mind is the proper caufe,the Kings contmandement only an accidental! caufe : fo it is with theLaw, it is but an accidental! caufe of our deftru &ion, which properly corn- meal from our fnnes. Secondly, we are taught, that whofoever God meaneth to bring to his SonneChrift, to ¡enjoy his righteoufneffe and life, they mull feel their own death denounced by the Law againft the defect of their (inns; for howfoever there were in Pauls con - verfion tome things extraordinary , yet this is ordinary to hint,with other ele& finners.Firff, to be killed by the Law in the fenfe of their finnes and damnation, ere they be made alive by the grace of theGofpell. T r sa. Whereto ferveth thin? S t L. ,Firft, to comfort them which have gota talle of their own deftru- &ion, and are troubled and humbled by it;fuch are in a good way to Chrift. As a corrafive or potion whenitfmarts and works, it is a good fign.Secondly, it ferveth tharply to reprove fuch as are forward to draw the promifes of life unto themfelves, before the Law hath (lain and wrought a fenfe of death in them:it is all one,as if they would have their wound or fore healed , without lanching, their difeafe or fickneffe eu- red,without phyfick. TIM. We have beard that not the Law brat fitnbeing irritated by the Lao' , wort c death : what would the Apofile have of to learn . by that? S s L. That it brings to open know- ledg the malice of our naturali fin and pravity,which conlilts herein in that itdoth abufe pernicioufly fuch a good thing as the Law is, to the entreating of fin and to the working of death. This may be let forth by the compari- fon of filch ftubborn dileafes, as are made the work by filch remedies as are applyed to heal them : even fetch a vile thing fin is, which taketh occalion to break out more vehemently by that means, which was given to reftrain it. And it is in this fenfe laid of fin, that it is made by the Law out of mediate fin - full : partly, becaufe by the knowledge of the Law,finne which was hid before, Both now (hew it felfe to be more grie- vous ;and partly,becaufe by the reftraint of the Law, it doth rage more unmea- fu rahly. T t so What uje is to be made of this truth? Sar. Firft,to be humbled , confide - ring that we carry fitch a poyfonfull thingin our own bofome.Secondly, to be very watchful! over our own heart, taking diligent heed unto it, left the in- bredvenomebreak out. Thirdly, to move us to pray unto God in hearing the Law,that our vicious nature abufe it not to the waxing worfé thereby. Laftly,to be thankful unto Jefus Chrilt, by whole foveraigne grace this malady is begun to be cured in us, and (hall be perfe&ly healed at the time of our dif- folution by death. . Hitherto wehave feen three excellent ufes of the Law: Firft,difcovcry of fin. Secondly, life and bleffedneffe if it be obeyed, allo death if it be difobeyed.Thirdly, irritation and encreafing of fin and deltruf ion : this happeneth accidentally,and is notofthe Law it felf,as the two former. V D