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220 The Law would fre us fron, death:then called a gaickning Spirit, In retina of Author. Of manner Ofobedi- ence. Of the en, to teach u the worfhiI of God,wh, is a pure Spirit. Lox srdin4 hominem a 1Jtritu4tem óbedienti4m An E>xpofition upon Chap,/; DIALOGUE X. Verfe 14. For we know the Law it fpirituall Ti MOT HEUt. WHat dolb this Text contain,or where- unto teudetb it? S I L. A rearm) for toprove why it is not to be reckoned as a fault in the Law, if upon the knowledge thereof, there followcs death;becaufe the Law is fpirituall,but the Spirit is properly the cattle of life; and therefore it cannot be properly the cattle ofdeath;for one and the fame efficient caufe, cannot by it Pelf produce two contraryefe &S nnlefle it bee in refpe& ola fubjea diver fly affe- &ed, as the Sun hardneth clay and fof- teneth wax. T I M. In what meaning is the Law called fpirituall? S t L. Firft , becaufe it is not given by men, but God himfelf by his Spirit was the inditer of it. Secondly,becaufe it reacheth not to the outward man on- ly, but to the molt inward motions of our mind and will,requi ring obedience from our very fpirits and thoughts,yea requiring a fpirituall,even a perfe& and Angelical! obedience in foul and body. Thirdly,becaufe this in ward obedience of the Law mull come front that Spirit which is the author of the Law: in thefe refpehts it is called fpiritu all. But this property of(Sp(rituall) cannot be affir- med of the whole Law.Fer the ceremo- nial) Law flood in bodily rites. The ju- dicial( Law did refpe& outward aas. Therefore it is meant only of the mo- rali Law the ten Commandements, of which it may bee affirmed, that every Commandement of it is fpirituall,ftri- king at the root; and piercing even the very foul and fpirit of a Haan : fuch is the nature ofthe word , anfwerable to the nature of God,who fearcheth hearts and thoughts,Heb.4. i z,13. Ti M. What benefit are we to make to our Jetvee from hence,that Gods Law is (piritual? S r L. Firfl,here we learn a difference between the civil Laws of men,and the Laws ofGod ;the former take no know- ledg of thoughts,except they be uttered inwords and a&s, the latter doth. Se- condly, one may keep all the Laws of men, and yet be a very vicious and wick- ed perfon, whereas GodsLaw teacheth to follow all vertue,and to fhun all vice. Thirdly, it is not enough to conforme a mans self to Godsown Law,namely, in outward a &ions only,without inter- nall obedience. Fourthly, it reproves fuch as thought the Law of Motes to require no more then external( duties, as the Pharifees expounded the Law: See blat.5. Fiftly,it pr oves to us that the indetdmte Law is unpoffìble to be kept of us, who mood be cannot in this flefh attain a cla exalt Y,7zi freç from purity;and ío reproves the Papiffs, who 'ddath,'fwt teach,that we may merit by works, and ñetw°, do more then the Law commands, even works fupererogatory.Sixtly,it helps to underftand the true meaning of the Law, that in the forbidding or com- manding of outward works evil( or good, God forbids and commands the very firfi thoughts and delires of thofe works.Seventhly, itdoth admonifh all men as they would pleafe God,to have more care about the ordering of the inward motions, then of the outward a &ions. Laftly, it mull warn us with earneft prayer to crave help of God, to flrengthen us by his Spirit to give obe- dience to the Law in force meafure of truth and fincerity. T i M. What learn we by site, that the Ago file faith, we know that the Law is fpi- rituall? S I L. It teacheth us that this do&rin was not uncertain and doubtful(, but well and publikely underltood and known in theChurch only.Secondly, it reproveth fuch as live in ignorance of the nature of the Law, which is a dan- gerous thing;for it caufeth men to refs content with outwardcivility, and ho- nefly ofmanners with ne le& of the Law 15' Y , g rnleol rp,u inward reformation of the heart ;which taau holt- is the main duty of a Chriftian : as ap- nere. peareth in the example of Pharifees, Mat. 2 3.throughour. W hereas Chrifti- ans mutt exceed the righteoufneffe of Scribes and Pharifees, Mat. g. so. and imitate Zachary and Elirúabeth,Luk. 1.6. D I A-