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Arm 14. the Epiffle to the Romans. DIALOGUE XI, Verle, I4. But I am carnall, fold under pane. Ti M. \Hat at the drift and purpofe of this Scripture? A tranfiti - S I L' In there words the Apofile úírá Rah óf doth confeffe and bewail his remaining the chapter, naturall corruption, and fo maketh an entrance into the defcription of the fight and combate between the flefh and the fpirit,which he:very notably fetteth forth in his own perfon, unto the end of the Chapter.For having opened the efface of all men,Jew and Gentile,under the guiding of fin without Chrifl, Chapter I, 2,and fecondly, their eflate under the grace of redemption by Chrift,being luftified by faithathey have peace with God,Chap.3,4 5.and third - ly,their ciliate by grace of fanaification or regeneration,openedin Chap. 6. the juftified by faith are freed from the do. minion of fin,as well as from the guilt thereof;nowin the end of this 7.Chap- ter,what weakneffe and difficulties are in this ciliate of fan &ification, how tough and dangerous a confli& with fin, regenerate men have, is mo`t lively let forth in Paul.r own example, being a regenerate perfon; hereupon bee now fpeakes of himfelf in the prefent time. Ti ra. But dotb Paul fpeak thus ofhim- felf as be was a regenerate man? S I L.He doth fo:he loth now fpeak of himfelf as hewas an Apoftle and re- generate, not as hee was a Pharifee and unregenerate.Becaufe he Both not fpeak of himfelf in time paft,as he did before in this Chap.ver. 8, 9, 10,11. but now he fpeaketh in time prefenr;faying, I am carnali, fold under fin. T I M. But Paul as bee was an Apofile was holy,he n; fanElified by the Spirit, and therefore fpirituall, not carnal!. S t L. It is true, being converted and made anApoftle, he was fpirituall and holy, yet not limply and abfolutely fo ; but in part only and unperfc&ly,having ftil!fonte finfull corruption flicking in him, whichdid fight againft the divine Law, as he afterwards Ipeaketh of hint- felf,ver.l7,ts. and 22, 23. where hedi- flingúifheth between the flefh or fin,and Taal now' fpeaks no more in rime pa ft, I have.but I am. Varibn, p efteli fart je,nitaa fan- dawn, pal- aantiam.en- tratarnale, t.ntap;feen- iim..A v. Taal was partly fpiri . stall, partly carnall, e- ven after new birth. 221, himfelfe as he was renewed. T I M. What then is the fumme of this Scripture? s i L. Thus much: Paul confeffeth, that being a regenerare man , yet there eran,frit b did hill abide in his nature corruption I:e. .rats ßa,í offin, which violently refilled the Law, infei'1 ,t,n- foashecouldnotattain theperfe& in- ¡t4 r.r,gaiM. tegrity and uprightnefl'e, orfpiritually, par ""' as I may fo (peak, taught in the Law: bat was forced againft his own will of- ten to do againft the Law, and to obey the lulls of fin. The conceit o f Origin is lirange and falle, as if Paulin the per- fon ott naturall man,did only exprelfe the battell of reafon and appetite. T I td, What are we to learn out of obit free and frank,' confefJün, that Paul maketh' of his own vicious naughtinefe? s 1 L.Firfl,that it is a good fruir, and a Cure note of a regenerate perfon , un- fainedly & ingenuoufly to confeffe titer finfull infirmities : wherein there is a great difference between the child of God, and thole that be but hypocrites : for an hypocrite doth commonly deny, defend,or extenuate his fin,or confeffeth it more out of the fear of punifhment, then for the grief of the offence, or out of hope ofpardon:but the Children of God do the quite contrary, for they freely accule thenifelves out of a loa- thing of their fins, with troll of the torgivenefleof it by Chrift. T t Ii What reafon movetb them that to do? Sr L. Firll,becaufe it is the high and ready way to pardon,the promife wher- of is made only to a fathfull and found confeffion, 1 Jolt.1.9.Secondly, becaufe this kind of confeffion is both grateful' to God,in that it is commanded of him, & doch render unto him his due praife. Thirdty, it is a true teftimon andi,,e'e marke,that our repentance is not coon- fore him his terfeit, and hypocriticall, but hearty =.14:1; and fincere, becaufe we are contented st. to afhame and abafe our fives, that wee may give God the glory, and the Church a good example.Laftly, becaufe it brings true peace unto the confcience of a f timer t Thefe reafons and grounds are fuf£rcient to move the chil- dren of God, openly and publi ie