222 An Expofition upon Chap.7.¡ ly to accule themfelves when need re- quires,as appease in the example of this our Apofile , who to the end he might yeeld due praife to God,and to his Law, and give unto the faith full an example of true humiliation, doth in this cafe publikel y accufe himfelf of tinfoil cor- ruption,and of bondage to fin in part for as he doth here accufe himfelf gene- rally of fin,fo he doth elfewhere charge himielte with fundry fpeciall foul vices by name. See i Tim. 1. ;.The like did David, and Salomon,and Peter,and innu- merable others, whereof mention is made in Sacred Flory. Tr M Wnstprofit are we to mare of this point? S i L. 1 ir1},it miniflrcth great com- fort to fisch as having the feeling of their fin, are ready in uprightneffe to accule and condemre themfelves before God and men,as need regnires; for it de- clares them to be the new -born Chil- dren ofGod,becaufenone fave they can do this. Secondly, it inhruaeth all Chriflians as they tender Cods glory,or their own falvation, frankly to confeffe thofe their fins with their mouthes, of which they have a fenfe in their hearts, and a check in their confcieuce. Third- ly, it affords (harp reproofunto fuch as deny their fins, or confefte them con - flrainedly, for this argueth , that they are yet in the power of fin, fervants to their lulls, void of the Spirit of grace, wherewith the children of God are led;and utterly carele(le both of Gods glory and their own good and other mens , whom by the example of their humility they might edifie. T i at. What other thing' do we learn from this confeffion? S t L. That in all true repentance, originali and birth - finne, is ever to be bewailed, felt, and confefl-ed. Pfa1.5 1-4, 5. The reafon is , becaufe the fiefli or birth- fin,being the root of al other fins he cannot bethought to repent of any tin,that doth not repent and loath this. T i M. What it the ufe of this point? S i L. It warneth us in all our re- pentance, to look back to the fountain, to wit,corruption of nature. Secondly, it proves their repentance to be fained, wh`onever complain of this, with a tru- ly humbled heart: either they beigno- rant,or careleffe, of this foul (pot, and fo unrepentant. T i M. Having fpoken generally of the whole verfe,tell ut now what be the pests of this confeffion? S i L. Two : Fith, bee confeffeth himfelf to be carnall. Secondly,thot he is the fervant and bondman of tin [ fold under fin. T i M. In what re/peat cloth the Ap- ple call bimfelfe carnall? S t L. In two refpeas:Firfl,becaufe p,.t,ad.f he was fo by nature, being born of (.9eru,r,. flefh,infeaed with original fin and cor- Pg%; ; ruption,even from his birth. Secondly, .,4 r bury in refpeaof carnali infirmities, which 5.,, .;ef,,, did hill cleave unto him, even after his new birth ;as ignorance, unbelief,doubt- "f' ing,pride, vain. glory, and hypocri fie , and lulls of all forts, which trcubicd continually theApoflle,even in this his eftate of regeneration. T i M. Ent bow may it bee that a man JF,ossid be at once,both regenerate and carnal!? S s L. Men in Scripture are called carnall in a double fenfe.Firl},thechil- dren of this world, nicer naturals men, are called carnali abfolutely becaufe they are in the flefh,and walke after the fefh, favouring the things of the flefh, being wholly carnall and tinfoil in all their wales, ferving divers lulls and pleafures.Secondly,the children of God being renewed by the Spirit, are called carnall after a fort;either comparatively, becaufe they have more flab and cor- ruption, then grace, as the Corinthian', r Cor. 3.2.o r elfe partially, or in part, becaufe they are hill obnoxious to the infirmities of the flefh;and have not the Spirit and grace,without evil concupi- fcence & luhs,as Paul was,.Rom. 7. 22. T r M. In what meaning it it Paid, that be warfold under fin? S i L. That he was ca stive to finnc, under the power of it, as a fervant or Í (lave bought with a price, is in the power of him that bought him; for it is a borrowed fpeech from loch Tyrants as buy others with their money,whom they may ufe as (laves at their will. Into this 0 -: