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224 Idli nab, non e.arentie avefjSr.ang, An Expofition upon ture,and his regenerate will, wreftling like the two twins in Rebeccaes wombe; the one made him hate God, and doe that which is evill;the other, caufed him to hate evil!, and to will that which is good,unto ver. i8. The fecond alfault was, that, when his purpofe and will was good, it had no good effe&, but a quite repugnant and contrary effe &, ver. 19, 2 o.The third is,tbat he felt two contrary Lawes inforcing him;the one, unto holineffe and life, the other unto finne and death, ver.,z I , 22, 23. T e M. Tell us now,what it theJimmie of this prefent Text? S i L. Thus much :.that though his heart being renewed, did abhorre all e- vill,and approve good things only, yet through fin dwelling in him, he was vi- olently drawne to thofe evill things w;tich he abhorred, and from thofe good things which he allowed, which proves his former complaint to be true; for he did things quite contrary to his judgment andwill , through the force of fle(h remaining, haling and carrying him awry. T r M. What be ¡Imparts of this Text? S I L. Two: Firs, he generally pro- poundeth the (trifebetween his will,be- ing good by grace, and his nature re- mainingcorrupt,in the 15. verfe. Se- condly, he doth more particularly and diiin&Iy,lay down both the parts and members of this ftrífe, in ver. 16, 17. T 1 M, Now come to expound the words, and tell us what is bere meant by allswing, [I allow not.] Si L. The word in the Originali Text is [ I know not , ] which fignifieth not only thus much,! allow not,or ap- prove not, but I hate, abhorre, and condemn,as it is expounded in this ver. [put what I bate.] T 1 M. What doti, bee underhand by [?bat which I do?] S r L. Not a wicked life,or any finne willingly committed,and donewilfully againft Coufcience; for Paul being con- verted, neither did nor could do fo: but he mcaneth firft finfull thoughts and motions fwerving from the Law of God,or defe& in his love towards God Chap:7 and men.Secondly,finfull affe &ions , as anger,envy,pride, andfuch like. Ffal. 19. I2. x30. 3.Laftiy,fome things done in outward a &ions, repugnant to Gods will and his own. T i M. But under thefe words [ That which 1 do,] may we not comprehend crimes and notorious fins? S 1 L. We may:iffobewewilltake Pau/generally to fpeak of all regene- rate men,whereof many through frail- ty take groffe falls even after their cal- ling,as it is to be Peen in the example of l David, Peter, and other of the Saints; but we cannot fo expound it,if it be li- mited to Paul,who lived unblameably when he was a Pharifee, Fhil. 3. 17. Therefore much more unrebukeable now, being an Apoftle, A &. 24.16.He is fet forth as an example unto the Saints, ofan holy unreproveable life. T I M. What inffru/Éions d e yee gather from the words thus expounded? S 1 L. Firft, the Children ofGod in their regeneration, do-not receive full - neffe of grace to do well. For then they (horrid do nothing which they allow not,but their will and their deed fhould accord, both fhould be perfeftly good. Whereas in Paul, his deed and will dif- agreed,both in doing evil, and leaving good undone. T I. M. Wbat ufe is to be made of this in- ffruilion? S i L. Firft,it doth reprove fach as doe hold , that the regenerate in this life cannot fin,as Familifts.Sccondly, it admonifheth all men to find out and acknowledge their imperfe&ions with grief,and to hive towards perte &ion. Laftly, it doth ferve to comfort fetch, as do labour under finfull infirmities and - defe &s.For this was the Apoftles cafe. Howmuch leffe marvail, if it prove fo with others inferiour to him? T r M. What other infirullion arifitb out of thefe words? S 1 L. That it is a good figne of a regenerate man, when not only con fdiencechecketh, and judgment difli- keth,but his heart difelloweth,&is dif: pleafed with the evil! he doth ; . belaufe this bewrayeth,that they are not ly 1