Ver. i 6. the Epifile to the Romans. ^21 ly under the power of original fin, but have another beginning and ground of their a&ions, even grace and ,the holy Spirit of God, from whence comes that hatred of evill, and delire ofgood. T 1 m. What ule are we to ntal¿e of this fetond inflrttEÜon? S I L. Firft, it proves them to be weer naturals and unregenerate men, who do allow and be pleafed with their fins,that be in thenifelves& in others.Se- condly,it admonifheth the godlyof their duty, w hich is not to allow, but with hatred to condemn every finfull thing in themfelves, even to the leaft motion & lnft,not at any hand after it is known bearing with it, but fiirring up the heart to deteft and lament it with godly fort ow,in regard it is an offence toGod. T M. What is the thirdinftrufien? S I L. That the ele& of God being regenerate, they are never fo given over, as to fin with their whole will, becaufe this is true of them all, that they ;allow not the evill that they do: fo that in all their evils and fins, there is fome ftri- ving in their will againft them, though it be but faintly and in great feeblenefs, as it happeneth in great tentation. Is M. Shea, us now by what reafon the Apoffle proves this propofztion,that be allow- ed not what he did . S 1 L. By this reafon, becaufe both in the leaving undone good, and in the doing of evill,he offended not willing- ly, but with a deteflation and loathing. For the evill which he did was hate - full to him, and his will was to do the good he could not do;not that Paul was compelled unto evil!, but that he confented not to it with his whole will; his heart being now changed and made conformable to theLaw in part. Tim. What in firotlion is to be gather- edfrom hence? SIL. Firft, we learn that the godly cannot do all the good they would, becaufe fin hindreth them ;and fecondly, that they cannot do all the evill as their lulls would, becaufe they have grace to hate and refill evil!. For theSpirit lulls againft the flefh, as the flefh doth luft againft the Spirit. Gal. 5. 17. Obferve further out of this whole verfe, that it is far from the godly to excufe, extenu- ate,and cloak their fin; they abhor it, and that out of a reverence toward the Law unto which their fin is contrary: Again, in holy perCons there be begin- nings oft heir doings,one whereby they will good, and will not evil!, called the inner man, Law of the mind, Spirit,&c. the other whereby they are drawn from good unto evill. IIALOGua XII. Vert 16, If I do then that which I would not, I eon- feet to the Law that it is good. TImoTHEUs. Hat Both this Text contain? S I L, Two inferences and con - cluftons, which do arife from the for- mer ftrife between originali fin, and Pawls renewed mind. The firft is out of the 16. verfe,the firm and effeft whereof is this, that there was a good agreement and confent between the heart of Paul being renewed, and Gods Law; feeing he abhorred the evill whichwas done by him, being contrary to the Law.The fetond conclufion is contained in the 17. verfs, the effelt and funs whereof is this : If I abhor the fin which I do, then I being renewed do it not,but that finfull corruption that dwels and flicks in my nature, Both it. Trtë. Whatis meant by :hat which P aul did do, and would not bave done? S i L. Some evill thing forbid in the Law of God,, which though he hated, yet corruption wrefted it from him, w hereof he inferreth that fo far forth as he was regenerate, he did approve Gods Law to be good and holy. For, whofo- ever hates an evil! in this refpeil that the Law forbids it, and loves a good thing in this refpe& that the Law commands it, he mull needs have fomething in him that cloth allow the Law,, and confent to it to be good, howfoever he do the evill he hates, and cannot do thegood he would. T1m.Wbat in$rue:lion tril arifefront hence? S r L. That it is a true and certain mark ZFIdo what 1 would not then I conÌ- fent to the Law that it is good, óuè the former is true, therefore the latter.