Ver. 16, the Epiftle to the Romans. /27 18,30,31. Romans7.22,23. T 1 si. Nom declare unto us what pro. fit we are to make this dc£frine? S 1 L. Firft, we have from hence a notable difference between the godly and the ungodly, the finéere Chriftian anti the hypocrite: for tile ungodly man and the hypocrite, when he doth any good, or efchew any evill,it is not from the heart, becaufe the Law commands itifor he ever hath rerpe6t tinto gain, or credit, or pleafure, or pain, and not to the will ofGod : but the godly though he fin, yet from his heart he loves the Law, having that in him which refiffeth and hated] fin. Secondly,from hence we have a fpeciall comfort unto all filch as confent to the Law of God, whore in- ward man delighteth in it, and whore mind ferveth ic: fuch furely are regene- rate, though they have many fearful! imperfeIlions and fins: yet if they in truth allow theLaw,condemning thole things they do, and allowing chore things they do not,becaufe theLaw wi!- leth them, (repenting from their hearts Co often as they violate the Law through weaknefs) this is a certain mark of new born Child of God. Thirdly, it fheweth how fearful! their cafe is which are ignorant of Gods Law, either be- caufe they cannot, or becaufe they care not to know it. There do not confent to the Law which they do not know; and therefore are as yet in the eft ate of damnation. Therefore, it isaneedfull thing, together with the preaching of theGofpel,to have the Law roundly in- terpreted and applyed. For,as men can- not confent to the Gofpel, without the preaching of the Gofpel, which is the power of God to write it in our heart; fo we cannot fo much as know the Law, without the preaching of the Law. Fi- nally, here isafore truth, that whofoe- ver willeth not the evill which he dote, but difalloweth it, out ofa reverent love unto the Law, whereunto he feeth the evillwhich he doth repugnant, he cer- tainly approveth the Law to be good, and a rule of righteoufnefs. D I A LO G u s XIII. Verfe 17. Now tben, it is na more I that do it, but fin that dwelletb in me. TI M oTHEus. WHat doh thú Text contain? SIL. A fecond conclufion ,in- ferred and gathered from the firft com- bat betweengrace and corruption in the heart of Paul, or between a good will, and a bad deed ; the conclufion is thus much. If I Paul, do what I hate, and what I would not do, then I do it not (as I anircnewed) but fin dwelling in my flaw e doth it, by drawing ene from good to evil!; whence it is too manifeff, that the force of fin is yet great in me,and that I truly complained, in verfe 14. Ti n1. What infirutlions are the to learn from this conclufioni Si L. That every regenerate man is divided into two men, or into two parts, that is, himfelf and fin, the new man and the old, grace and corruption, flefh and fpirit, the Law of the niinde, and the Law of the members.The reafon hereof is, becaufe in this lifeitheir rege- neration is unperfe&. Secondly, that a regenerate perfòn takes his denominati- on from the better part, that is, from grace which raigneth in him, not from fin which doth but dwelin hint. Third- ly, that part which is regenerate and re- newed in a man never finneth, but it is that part which is corrupt and unre- newed that finneth , and dote evil!. Fourthly , it affords a plain & evident mark iodifcerna nun thatisregenerate, from him that is not regenerate. T r m. Before you do particularly name the marks of a regenerate man Jet down in thin verfe, tell or bow many marks arecontained in Ibis chapter, whereby we may judge of a regenerate man? S I L. There be (even feverall marks of the regenerate Children of God, let down in the latter part of this chapter; that is, from the 14.ver. to the end ofit. The firft is, to will that which is good, and to hate fin, ver.15. The fecond, to confent