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z 28 An Expofition gpon con Pent to the Law that it is good, and to delight in the found knowledge and fpirituall obedience thereof, v. 16. and 22. Thirdly, to have an inward man, that is,fitch a man as is in fecret & in the fpirit, v. 22. Fourthly, to feel a ilrife and fight between the Law of the mem- bers, and the Law of the miede, v. 23. when the fpirit doth lull againll the fiefb, and the fiefh againft the fpirit. Fiftly,toaccount it our wretchednefs, to have fin 1till abiding and forcibly working in us, and in this refpe& to groan and to mourn in our fouls, v.24. Sixtly, to delire unfeignedly and con- Randy a perfeft deliverance from fin, giving than4s from the heart to God through Child, for the grace of delive- rance already begun andwrought.v.24. 25. Laftly, to be led captive unto the Law of fin, v. 23. which is all one with this named in our Text, to have fin not raigning, but dwelling in them. For there is as great difference between fin raigning and dwelling, as between a King ruling in a kingdom, and Subje &s dwelling in a kingdom, or between a Matter in a family governing the houfe, and Servants In the honk. Tim. What h meant and fignifred here by tbk word [dwell ?i St L. It is a Metaphor,or borrowed fpeech from the power and government of houlholders, fignifying the true and mighty prefence of fin, forcibly croffìng and mightily driving aga.inft the moti- ons of the Spirit, in the heart of a rege- nerate man. This powerfeill prefence of fin dwelling in us, may bedeclared and let forth by the comparifon of (editions fitbje&s, mutinous Citizens and fer- vants,and ofquarrelfomeInmates;who though they do butdwel in a kingdom, City, or horde, yet do prove exceeding troublefome to their Princes, Gover- nors, Owners, or Mailers : Likewife dwelling -fin doth mightily hinder good in Godschildren, and pull them to evil things. T t zt. What ate and profit is to be made hereof unto oar felvet? S r L. Firft, it is a comfort to Gods children,that fin doth but dwel in there, Chap.-7,j and is kept by grace front exercifing a- ny dominion over them. Secondly, in that they have fin ftildwelling in them,it mull warn them to be very wary,watch- full, and circumfpe&t as one fhould be that hath a cut - throat dwelling in his houfe, or a fecret Traitor in his City. Thirdly, this reproves fach as knowing that there is inch a cumberforne mate or guefl as fin dwelling in them, are yet licore : ,but much more it reproves fuch as are fccure, and yet have fin raigning in them, as if it were nothing to be en- thralled to fuch a Lord, as can pay no better wages butdamnation in hell. T i sr. What other thing may we obferve at of thin verfe? S t L. That they do wickedly abufe this fentence, which apply it to excite and cloak their wicked and vicious life, as common drunkards, whoremaflers, (wearers, lyars,perjured perforts, and fuch like; who ufè to fay for themfelves, that they do not the evil, but fin that dwelleth in then,.Andthere is verygood reafon for it, why this fentence cannot agree to fuch manner of men ; namely, becaufe they are not able in truth to fay, that they hate the evill which they do, and that they would not do it ; becaufe they fin willingly, ruffling into fin as a Hone into battle. For when they fin they fin wholly, becaufe they are wholly flefh and corruption: whereas this fen- tence cannot agree unto any but to fuch as by grace hate the evill they do of frailty,and by grace would do the good which by fin they cannot do. DzALoGUE XIV. Verle 1S. For ix me, that it,in my feat, dwelleth no good thing: forte will it prefnt with me, but I find no meaner to perform that rabid; is good. TIM 0TH Eus. Wag it the fars oftbia Tent? S z L. It containes the fecond paroxifin or fit of Pauli fpirituall con- flua, which doth herein confifl , that when his will was prompt and ready to do