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il 231 are corruptedand depraved ,not in fen r as corrúpt ion is ready to incite him to fes or fenfuall parts and affeaion only, but in their will and mind. Fourthly, if it be thus with beleevers, much more is it with them thatbeleeve that there is no good in their flelh. Fiftly, they are deceived, which think,that though men beleevencc, yet their mind remainsper- fe& in nature, able enough in all things to dire$ them to that which is right. Sixtly, they alfa are deceived, which think, that before regeneration a man may do good works, which may pleafe God, and to merit of congruity. La illy, they are deceived, which fay; that if men do what lyeth in them, then God will grant them his grace: for let men unregenerate do what they can yet they do nought but what is evill. For their fleas and corrupt nature, is the ground of all that they do, and therefore they mull needs fin. For the fiefh is adverfary to all good, and parent to beget all evil. Tim. What other inf rullions are to be gathered from this pare of the Text? Sta. That no regenerate perlon can perfefly keep the Law,becaufe they have fief: in them. Secondly, that evil! mo- dons be fin, for they are called fiefh. Thirdly, that the bell things which bell men do, need forgivenefs, being flained with felh. T 1 M. Now come to the fecond part of this Text , and tell ut what is the femme of it? S 1 L. This fecond part contains a reafon of the propofition in the former verfe,that howfoever he couldwill that which was good, yet his finfull nature fo pluckt him away and hindred him, that not only he fulfilled not the good which he would, but the evil! which he abhorred, and therefore there, was no good in his flefh. What is here meant by [T o will is pre - fent with me ?] S 1 L. By wil is meant, not abfolutely to wil, or to wil evil!, but he meaneth the willing of that which is good,as was expreffed before : and by [prefent] he meaneth that it is ready at hand, on e- very fide pricking him forwards toGod, An Expofxtion Chap.7_ evil!: and by [me] he meaneth me Paul as I am renewed, or touching my in- ward man. Tim. What is the infirutlion tobe takn from theft words thus expounded? S s L. Seeing Paul affirmeth of him - felt being regenerate, that his will was earneftly bent to God,it follower that a ready purpofe and inclination of the heart in all things to pleafe God, doth agree only unto that man, whom God by his grace hath madea new man. Ex- amples hereof we have in David, Pfal. it 9 arnabas, Alts 11.23. Ií1 Je jhua, 1 and my houfe will f rve the Lord, Jolh.24. 15. For as it is a nark of a wicked nian, I, willingly to putpofe to live in any ff known fin; fo, when as there is a will I prepared in every thing to pleafe God, this is a note of a new man, Ti m.What ufe is to be made of this point? SI L. Firft,it admonifheth the godly to ferive for this readinefs of will after doing good things. Secondly, it com- forteth fuch as find this in themfelves, being ateflimony to them of their re- generation. Thirdly, it is a witnefs a- gainft fuch as lack it and have the con- trary: let fuch betimesbeltir themfelves to get their hearts changed. Tim, What ¡e the meaning ofthat which fellowes [he found no means to perform that which is good ?] S r L. Thus much: that when he had v,t,pr.it, a delire and will to do good things a- p1tt;,, greeable to Gods Law, he did lack abi- ea "dawn lily in his deeds to perform what his wil purpofed to do ; as prifoners that are re.' :. efcaped, would goe twenty miles a day, yet cannot go one; fick men that do .re- cover, would walk up and down, but are too weak yet to do it ; poore men which would do more good then they are able: fo the regenerate, they pur- pofe and would do a great many things, which they lack firength to effea and do. Tim. This fhould fbew that Paul was no regenerate perfore, for of fuch the Ape/le faith, that they have from God both the will and the deed? S i L. In that the Apof le would do that