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Ver. 19,20. the Epifile to the Romans. >t that which was good, he had this of God, which proves him a regenerate man : for when the Apoftle faith, the deed and performance is from God as well as the will : he meaneth not that it is fo alwaies, and in every particular a& of a renewed man, but oftentimes it is, and for the molt part as it pleafeth God to give affiffance:therefore it is Paid there, According to hit goodpleafiere; now Paul for mofo part, could as well do good as wil good. T I M. What inflrullion arifith from hence? S r L. That it is not poflible for any godly perfon whatfoever, to do any good fo perfe&ly, as that there fhould not be any fin in it : the reafon is, fists, becaufe the godly being not perfe&ly renewed, therefore there mull needs be force want and defe& in the greateft good they do. Secondly, becaufe wic- ked delires be never abfent from them wholly, therefore good is never done perf.' &ly by them: for as godly perlons cannot perfe&ly do evil, becaufe they have good delires in them, which refill fin and call them to the right way, fo they cannot perfe&ly perform that which is good, becaufe they want not evil defìres,to corrupt and hinder them. Teat. Seeing this is fì, to what purpofe and end it it then that God fhould forbid them every lull, and command them with all their heart to love him? Sr L. Though the godly cannot be perfe&, yet thefe precepts are not unpro- fitable to be fet forth unto us to be lear- ned; for they ferve the godly, firff to let them underhand that they have need of a remedy and muff leek it, feeing they have fin, as Fick men mutt Peek for a medicine. Secondly, they are by thefe precepts put in minde whereunto in this mortali life, by profiting they muff en- deavour themitives. Laftly,they know by them whereunto they than attain in the bleffed immorralitie of the life to come ; for unlefs thefe precepts one day fhould be performed, they fhould never at all have beene commanded. Tina. Now fhew to. how we may apply thefe tbingr unto our benefit and edification? S r L. Firft, it minilreth creation of being humbled, even in and for the very beíta&ions of our life, which be- ing unperfe& and fpotted, cannot pleafe God without pardon by Chrifl.Second- ly, it reproves furls as have their minds lilted up, when they have done or fpoke fomething well, whereas the im- perfe&ion of the deed ought to be be- tore them to abafe them. Thirdly,when Chriftians have Chewed their belt care and endeavour to do good things, they muff not be diCcouraged for fuels wants and faults which flick unto their do- ings ; but heartily repent, asking for - givenefs of Chaff, and !hiving to do better. For as an earthly father percei- ving in his child a good will and define to pleafe him, taketh that he doth in good worth , though it be faulty : fo will God (pare his own children .that do good things willingly,though weak- ly. Mal. 3. 17. I will (pare them at a man fparetb hit own fon tbat ferveth him. Lardy, it reproveth fuch as think the keeping ofthe Law to be poffible i whereas it is a tranfgreilion of the Law, not only to do what we fhould not, but to do lets then we fhould : a want of perfe&ion breaks the Law, no lets then an evill done ; from fuch defe &s none are free, no not Paul himfelf. DIALOGUE XV. Verfes 19,20. For I do not the good thing which ! would, but the evil which I would not, that I do. Now if 1 do that I would not, it is no more I, but fin that dwelletb in me. TImot us us. WHat doll) thi r Text contain? S I L. A proofe of the former reafon in the 19. verfe, and a conclufion drawn from thence in the 2o. verfe. T I m. How comes it to paft that in theft two verfea he Both rehear% the [elf ame thing that he had fpoloen of in the 16. and 17. verfet, and what it it that we are to learn thereby? S I L. That which is let down in thefe two verles, is not altogether the X fame,