Ver. 21,22. the Epifile to the Romans. and fo long as this lurkes in their na- ture they shall never be free from fin. TI M.. il''',at is meant here by the dmel ling of fin in him ? S I L. Thefe two things: Fill, the forcible pretence of corruption. Se- condly, that it hath a fixed feate in our nature, for fo much the word dwelling imports, a confiant dwelling during life. The reafon hereof is the ordinance ofGod,who hatia fo decreed it, that fin fhould never utterly dye,while we live. I Iohn 5.7. Ti M. Whereof fbaald this put no in mirode ? S I L. Offoure things: Firfl,' it muff ferve to weane our love from this life, where we cannot be wholly freed from finne. Secondly, to kindle and increafe the define ofa better life, where there (hall he no time at all. Thirdly, to em- brace death willingly, which doth floppethe breath of fin. Laffly, in the meane time to flrive mightily againfi the motions of finne, and as a Souldier in a befieged towne, to ffand ffill upon ourguard, and to flye to our Generall for fuccour in affaults, that we be not overcome, or overtaken at leali, with temptation offinne. DIALOGUE XVI. Vertes 21,22. I finde then that reben I would doe good,! am thus poked that evili is prefent with me. For I delight in the Law of God,;eon- cerning the inner man. Tr MGTHEUS. V V Hat Both this Text centaine? S i L. It containeth two things, according to the number of the vertes, the former is the winding or (butting up of the fecond paroxifme, or fecond fit of temptation : the latter is an entrance or beginning of the third or lari fit. verte 22. TIit.What be the parts of this conclut on? SIL. Two :in the former he con- feffeth the readineffe of his will to doe that which is good; in the latter he renders a reafon why he could not doe 233 the good he would, becaufe evil! was prefent with him. Ti M. What it meant here by [ Tea - ked ?] Si L. The word in the original!, lignifies Law, [I Uncle this Law,] which forne doe take in good part for the Law ofGod : but others in evil! part, for the Law of finne and corruption. This latter interpretation is the befl,be- caufe of the words which follow, [Evill is prefent with me, ] which words teeme to expound the former. Tr rt. What evil dotb be fpeakof, when be faith,eviUsr prefent with me,and en what fort iris prefent with him? S i L. Not the evill of affli &ion, but of finfull defines andlu(ts,which are (aid to be prefent,becaufe they are ever with the godly at hand,to croffe and hinder their good purpofes and delires. For the fleth lufleth again!! the fpirit, Gal. 5. and the Law of the members rebel - leth againit the law of the minde. T M. What it the inftruElioa ar fng from bene? S I L. That this is the common con- dition of all regenerate perlons, that their good motions which conic from Gods Spirit,are ever mingled with fome evil( motions which arife from their corrupt nature. Ti M. What is the fumme of this 22, verfe? S I L. A profeffion of the Apoflle, that his whole man (fo farre as he was renewed by grace) it tooke efpeciall pleafure'and delight in the knowledge and fpirituall obedience of Gods Law. Tim. What Lam it that be fpeaketh of here ? S I L. The morali Law, or the Law of the tenne Commandements, which teacheth perfe& love of God, and of our neighbour, becaufe it is let againff the Law of finne,to which no Law is fo contrary, as the morals T Ina. What is meant here by the Inner man? S i L, The Inner man, is the fame with the new man,or Spirit, and figni- fies all that within a man or without, from top totoe,wh ich is by grace refor- X 2 med : aulaluma