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234 An Expofition upon Chap.;, wed : as by outward is meant all that in a man which is not renewed. T I M. What is the inffruflion that we are to learn from hence? r S i L. That a regenerate man doth iloveGods moral Law, and take great delight in it. This delight doth not fo much declare and thew is felfin the plea - fure which godly men take to know the things contained in the Law (tor that is common with the wicked)but to do it, and conform their hearts and manners agreeable unto it; as he which feeth a curious artificial pi&ure, is fo pleafed with it, that he ftudieth how to exprefs it: fo is farech with Gods children, Ti M. What reafon have Gods children to delight in the Law, teeing it reveales fin unto tb.m, aceufetb them, and condemner them? St L. Firft, unto the godly this is a great benefit which it brings,that it dothdifcover unto them evils, that they may fee them, repent of them, and for- fake them, as well as good, that they may praétife it ; and fo driveth then nearer unto thrift, that they may be laved by his grace. T i M. What otherinflruilion may be drawn front this,verfe? S i L. That Peeing the children of God delight in the Law,they have grea- ter reafon much more to be delighted with the word of the GolpeI: becaufe the doarine o the Gofpe! healeth thofe difeafes which the La w fheweth forth; and effefkuálly comforteth, whom the Law hath terrified ; being 'both feed of their new birth, and food to nourifh them afey bn an. Tealter .. ths chit are a proorper e margai k of retiene. rate men to delight in Gods word? Sit. Yea, it is fo: fotafinuch as none can delight in fuch wife, but thofe that have the fpirit of fanaification to engender in them a love of God, and of his word, and that doftrine which is taught therein. Ti ai, But fleeing it it written ofunbelee- vers, chat they do hear the Gofpel with joy, what diference frail we put between the godly and unged y in their delight? S I L. The difference is both in the matter,manner,and end of their delight and joy. Firft, as for the matter and ground of delight unto the godly, it is the obedience yeelded unto the Law, and thrift, received by the Gofpel;; whereas bare knowledge of the Law and Gofpel, is the ground of an Hypo- crites delight. Secondly,they differ alto in the manner of their delight ; for the delight of a godly man is fin and conitant,as proceeding from the fpecial grace ofthe Spirit ; the delight of a wicked man is unfound and uncontant proceeding tither from nature, or from a general] grace of the Spirit : therefore as it looketh not to God, fo it lafteth not.Thirdly,they differ in theeffeft and end ofit; for the delight of the godly leads them to an univerfall praétice of the Law inward,and outward: fo Both not the delight of the wicked, which content themfelves with an outward reformation of life at the utmoft. This may be Pet forth by the comparifon of two skilfull Painters, who both toge- ther behold one and the fame portrai- ture or pi&ure very artificially drawn: whereof the one contents himfelf to behold it and commend it, but ende.a- vours not himfelf to make the like: the other fo praifeth it, that he fetteth his skill awork to make fetch an one, So it fareth between a man regenerate, and a man unregenerate; the former fo liketh anddelighteth in the word, as he ftudieth to be a doer of it ; the latter, refteth in contemplation of the word, negleftingaciou, and hating to be re- formed. And laftly, their delight Both differ in the meafure of their joy ; for evil men delight in riches and pleafures niore then in the word; but godly per fons have more delight in the word, then in all manner of riches. O Lord horn do I love shy Law? I more joy in it then in all fpoiles, it is fweeter to me then the Hony- combe, &c. Pf al. I I g. DIALOGUE XVII, Verte e3. But I fee another Law in my members, rebelling 41111111111iiiiinse_