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Ver. 23. the Epifile to the Romans. for a time:for they wreftle out and o- vercome at length by their faith in Chrift. T r m. Seeing both the godly and the wickd are captive! to fin, declare unto us more plainly,what deference there is betraeen Captivity. S t L. The main difference is this : that whereas the wicked freely and with their whole will put themfelves under the bondage of their wicked Tuffs, godly men become captives a- gainft their will , with an earnelt defire and longing to be freed from their cap- tivity and bondagc,which may be thus further explained.The godly are over- come with finfull luf[s,not becaufe they are willing, but becaufe they are weak to relit, and being overcome, they are never quiet till they have thaken off the power of their lulls, that they may re- turn unto their former Cheartull fervice and obedience ofGod : but the wicked being tempted with their lulls and evil( motions; theyyeeld unto them without refillance.This may be fomewhat the bet- ter let forth unto us, by the comparifon of two fouldiers in a warlike fight,being of two nations,whereof the owne bea- ring a falfe heart unto his King and Couutrey,dotlrof fet put pofeand wil- lingly yeeld himfelfto be taken prifo- ner,and with purpofe to praékife trea- chery again[[ his lawful! King. The o- ther is carried away prifoner, becaufe he was unable to with-[land the force of hit adverfary, yet keepeth [till a good heart to his King,ufing all good endea- vors to recover his freedom. Even fo it is here in this cafe, the godly come un- der the power of fin,furprifed by deceit- fulnefle of fin,and by the Heights of Sa tan, being unable to abide their en- counters, carrying [[ill an tip, idhtheart unto God, and to his fervice. Whereas the ungodly make themfelves voluntary (laves to Satan and fin, very willingly fighting under his banners,againft God and his word. This whole matter will yet be made more clear by tome few in- flames and examples out of Scripture, as firII David,who was overcome by his incontinency,beingviolently led captive 37 of it,his heart ![riving againff it,though with great weakeneffe ; who being in the bonds of finne, did much define and feeke after the freedome of grace, as Pfal.5 r, throughout. Secondly,ofPeter;who was led away captive of carnal! prefumption and fecu- rity, howbeit not of fet purpo[è before, nor without relutation in the initant of yeelding, and repentance or riling a- gaine afterwards. Laftly,bythe exam- ple of this our Apoltle Paul, who con- feffeth, that fin led him captive, and in this captivity by (inne, he mourned for his thraldome;counting it a mifery,and Cling for deliverance.Nut it is quite con- trary in the wirksd,as appeareth by the example of Cain, Efata,Rhab,ludar, and others,who did lye ffillunder their cap - tivity,notfeting any freedome,ornot miftruf[ing ormifliking their flavery. T r [!.Tell set what profit we are to make of this inffrsd ion? S r L. Firfl,here is an exhortation to the godly,confidering the force of their enemies,and their owne weakneffe, and the hurt that fin bath done to mighty thong men,to put on the whole armour ofGod, being exceeding watchful! and given to prayer.Secondly,here is an ad- monition for weak Chriftians to be marvailous heedful! unto themfelves, with great mi[truft of their owne infir- mities, when as Fisch an one as Paul could not alwaies [land agarnft the po- wer of fin. Thirdly,here is confolation for filch as at any time (hall faint and yeeld in the fight againft fin,that they be not too much difcouraged therein,for- afmuch as (itch a Champion asthis Wel- ted fervantofChrift, path been danted and quailed by fin and Satan. Laftly, here is a marke whereby we may judge ofa regenerate perfon,namely this;that he is drawne captive by the Law of fin, and is carried away by the Tuft of finne, yet not without contradi&ion:whereas the wicked which are void of grace, of their owneaccord do rttn onto evil's, as a horfe unto the battaile, as Rom. 3. r 3.Their feete are fwift to Pied blood. And againe,they drinkiniquity likee water, and drawfin with Cart- roper. Efey 5.18. i Drtt-