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238 An Expofition upon Chap. ly, it offends their moft good and lo- ving Father,being contrary to hisLaw, Rom. 7. 7. Thirdly, it doth grieve and make fad the holy Spirit of God,Eph. 4.3o.Laffly, it procures many tempo- rail chaftifements, and deferves eternal' punifhment. See David. example , 2 Sam.12.10. Rom.6. 23. S I L. What profit are ere to-make of this infiruiiion? S 1 L. Firf, it reproves them that make flight and !lender reckoning of their fins.Secondly, it admonifheth the godly to be humbled, becaufe howfoe- ver they be blefled with forgiveneffe of fin;yet their bleffednelfe is not pedal, but mixt with force mifery. T 1 M. What other inftra lion from hence? S s L. It is the mark and token of a regenerate man,to feel the mifery he is call into by the force of fin , to mourn for it,and to complain of it. The reafon hereof is,becaufe none but fuch as have the Spirit of Chrilt, can think them - felves miferable in this behalf, that through fin they are drawn from the obedience ofGods Law : for they that bee unregenerate , thinke themfelves wretched tor bodily evills,as if they be blind or deaf, or mayfned,or imprifo- ned,or extreamly poor;'they never take themfelves wretched in that they are full offpirituall evils,and thereby kin- dred in the fervice of God. T s M. What ufe of this point? S i L. Firft,it affords a great com- fort unto fuch as can unfainedly high beeaufe of their finnes, which Rill flick in their nature and flrive againftgrace. Secondly, here is a tefimony againf fuch as bear their finnes, without grief that they are not Gods Children. If there be firagling in the wombe, Re.. becca feeleth it; but the barren which bring not forth, feel no filch wrelt- j ling. Ts M. What other input-lions from hence? j S 1 L. From hence, wicked and im- penitent finners may confider how extream their wickedneffe is, that have fin reigning in them; when as the god- ly D IA LOGUE XVIII. Verfe,24, 25. 0 wretched man that I am, who ilia'' deli- ver me from the body of :bit death ? I thanl<Godthrough ¡elite Chrifi my Lord. Then I my felfe in my mind ferve the Law ofGod, but in my flefh the Law of fin. TIMOTHEat. watt doth this Text contain? S 1 L. A conclufion both of the whole Chapter, and of the fpirituall contlia with fin , which hath been let forth in the petfon of Paul. TIM, What io the fìtrnme of this conc,'u- fion? . S 1 L. fieconfef eth himlei fin ílera- ble,becaufe he was obnoxious to fin and death, defiring full deliverance from them ;giving God thanks for the grace and merit of Chrifi Iefùs. TIM. What betbe parts of thisconclu- fion? S r L. Three : Firlt,an exclamation or complaint of his mifery, in theft words[ 0 wretched man, &c.] Secondly, a confolation in refpea of his viltory by Çhrilt. [ I thank God through lefus' Chri . ]Lataly an acclamation, So then in my mind I frve, &c.,] T s M. What is meant here by wretched man? Si L. Not one that is accurfed, as be- ing out of Gods favour , but one tyred and wearied with the continual' and miferable conflias and hiving with fin. It is a wretched and wofull thing, to be toiled and troubled with filthy motions,but every fuels man is not in a damned cafe. Ti M.What inflenflionsare we to learn from this? S i L. Firft,that it is a very wretched .thing , to carry about one but the re- mainder of fin,and to be troubled with the continual' affaults and force of it. Thereafons hereofbe:Firft; becaufe fin even in the godly doth defile their con fçience within, and their a &ions with- out. Mat. 55. 18.1ames 1.21.Second-