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>azzri 240 An Expofition upon Chap-28. to eviII, and fometimes overcame him. T I at What ufe of thin? S r L. Sinful! infirmitie mull keep the Saints from pride, and their grace mull flay them from defpair; they can- not nor ought to be proud which carry fin in their heart as a law, neither need they faint which have grace for a gover- nour in their mind. T I at. What obferveyee in:his, that he faith,[ Imyfelfe] S 1 L. Firft,that he (peaks of no o- ther then himfelf. Secondly, that hee (peaks not in time pall, but prefent ; which ferves to confute the Palagians, and Libertines ;who take it fo as if Paul fpakeall tisis from the 14. ver.forward, in the name and perfon of a meer na- rural! man, and had let forth no other fight but that which is between reafon direéting to things right and hon&; and affe &ion or will drawing unto things crooked and unhoneft : as if Paul. had in all this Mewed himfelf an Are - ffotelian and not an Apoftle , extolling the power of nature, and not the force of grace; debating and difgracing Cen- htality,and not fin and birth corropti- on,which both in reafon and will,even after regeneration, uttereth force and great power,like a mighty Rebell, tid- ying and fighting even againft the good worke of the Spirit, in regenerate ones. CHAP. VIII. DIALOGUE I. Verte 1, Now then there is no condemnation to them that are inCbrifi lefur, which walkjiot after the flefh,but after the Spirit. TIMO HEus. Hat is the femme and fcope of this eigbt Chapter? S r L. It doth conclude the do&rive of juftification and fan &ificatìon of the faithful! through Chrifl,amplifying and applying it to their comfort, again(} temptations. T t M. What be the parts of this Chap- ter? S r L. Two : The lint a doEtrinall or exhortatory comfort againft the fecret corruption ofnature,or again ft the re- mainder of fin and corruption íH11 flicking and dwelling in the godly : for though fin rernains,yet it is not damna- ble to the godly. This part continueth unto the middle of ver. 17. The fecond part contains a comfortable exhortati- on,patiently to Puffer affii &ions for the name of Chrift,becaufe their of li&ions have mot's equal and wholefome caufes, and molt healthfull elle &s. This part continueth to the end of the Chapter. TIM. What is the fumure of this fr fi verf; S,i L. It cloth propound and let down the comfort againit dwelling -fin, that albeit fin doth abide in the godly, yet condemnation cloth not abide, but is taken away. Secondly, a defcriprion of the godly negatively and affirmative- ly. T 1 M. How it this comfort limited? S i L. Two wayes: Firft, by the cir- cumliance of time:and fecondly, of the perlons. It is declared by the cìrcum- ftance of time thus. Now that wee are juftifiedby faith , and fan&ified by the Spirit, there is no condemnation to us. Secondly,the perlons to whom this comfort cloth belong, are defcribed by two conditions. Firll, that they are in Chrift, and fecondly, that they walke not after the flea:, but after the Spirit. T 1 M. But bow doth this generall com- fort belonging unto all the godly, depend op- en the former Cbapter,where Pauls particu. larconflilfwithfn, and bit complaint a- gainfi it, war fet out unto us, together with his thanksgiving for bis deliverance frem it by Chriff. S i L. Indeed one would think that upon thefe premifes he fhould have infer-