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244 An Exposition upon sufficiency and perfeEtion of Chri(ls merits, defiroyes the troth and constan- cy of Gods promife,and weakeneth the teftimony of the holy Spirit witneffing to the faithfull that they are Gods Children. Rom.8. 16. T i m. T ea,but they which are now in Chrifi and do beleeve,arenot fare to perfe- vere to the end? S r L. Yes, he that is once in Chrift, (hall ever be in him.A member of Satan, may become a member ofChrifl; but a member of Chriff, can never be a mem- ber of Satan : for none can pluck them from Chrill, Iohn Io. 28. Who alto prayeth for our perfeverance,Ioh. 7.1 r. T r u. What other profit it to be made of this former truth, touching the certainty of falvation beleeved in? S r L. In all terrors of Confcience and confliEts with fin, it minifireth no finial comfort to the godly , to know and bee affured, that their falvation {lands firm and immoveable.Laftly,here are all men admoniflied how to judge and discern of their own faith, whether they be true beleevers, and such perlons as Thal not be condemned,which may be done by the fecond condition here- unto added and annexed; to wit, if he walk not after the Flesh, but after the Spirit. Tim. What is here meant by walking? S r L. Living,or ordering and difpo- fing our life and a &ions. T 1 M. Whoa is bercmoant by F lefh,and by Spirit? S I L. By Flesh, is meant that vici- ous quality of fin, or corruption of na- ture, with the blind and wicked moti- ons thereoftandby Spirit,is meant,that quality of holineffe created, and wor- king in us by the Spirit of God , by a Metonyrnie of the cause for the effe&. T r M. Sheen us nom who may be Paid to walk after the Fief/9? S 1 L. Not they which have corrup- tion of nature and finfull motions,(for there be in every godly perfon, ) but they which in their living and orde- ring of their life and converfation, doe follow tbefe finfull motions and lulls, as their guides and leaders : fo thinking, Chap.8' (peaking and doing, as their own car nall blind reafon , and corruptaffe &i- ons, leadeth,dire&eth, and governeth them. This is to walk after the fle[b,to set ones courfe by the counfell and di- re &ion of his corrupt reafon and wit. T e ia. May not a man walhafter the flefb,whofework are outwardly good and hone11, as when be prayer, heares the word, gives thanks, reproves fin, be fiowes almes, gives counfell, efrc. S r L. It is very true : !lee that doth these things,and other good things,and doth them often and continually, yet may be a perfon that doth walke atcer the flesh, if he do them out of a corrupt carnali mind, and unpure conscience, feeking to pleafe bimfelfe and other men, being carried with his own profit or praife, and not Peeking Gods glory: Finally, doing them rather of cuflonie, then of conscience and obedience to Gods commandement. T hen tell us bon, many forts there be of them that walhafter the flesh. S i L. Two forts t the fists be they, which are wicked and open finners, ha- ving east off the reverence of God, and fhame of rnan, as drunkards, common fwearers, perjured perfon, adulterers, common- lyers, covetous, railers, con- tentious perfons,and the like. The fe- cond fort,bee Hypocrites, which cloak their aftions and life with appearance and (hew of faith , obedience of the word,good conscience , and the Spirit of God yet in truth, they are voyd of all thefe;and have no other leader,guidi orground of their life and doings,' but their own ignorant minds and false hearts, beingwholly carryed with bye and flc(hly refpe &s and worldly gaine. T r M, Give ur fame plain markr,where- by they that in this fort waUZe after the flesh, may perceive it in tbemfelves that it is fo S r L. Firft,that they use not to take , counfell of Gods word to make it their rule of every particular a &ion of their life,Ffal. lag. 9.Secondly,they ne- ver looke upon their patterne and ex- ample Chrift Tefus, how he fpake and 10.17.1 did,that they may doe the like, r John