Ver. 2. the Epifile to the Romans. IO. 17.Thirdly,they do not by prayer lift up their hearts to God, to governs therit in their counfels, fpeeches, and deeds, i Thef, 5. 57. Nehemiah, 2, 4. Fourthly, when they have fpoken or done any good thing, they doe not re- turne the praife ofit to God, L Cor. a o 31. Lalily,they are not refolved to Puf- fer reproach and wrong,for their pro - felion and well doing, Mat. I o. 37. Luk. 14.27. T I X. Now fbery us whomay bee faid to walks after the Spirit? S I L. Not they who have Ionic good defires and deeds; but they whole courfe of life and a &ionsfòr the tenour of them, are evermore conflantly ruled by the motion of Gods Spirit , which they follow as theirguide and leader:as it is not a fair'day wherein the Sunne fhineth now and then, if there bee fool weather in the reft. Ta M May not a man flip and trip in hit way fometime.r.yea (fumble andfall,and jet be faid to walk, after the Spirit? S I L. It is right fo,becaufe a fpiritu- all or godly converfation, muff not be judged by one or a few a &ions ; but by the tenour of it and as it holds, and is for the molt and greateft part:otherwi{e none fhould be faid to walk after the Spirit, becaufe there is none that lives and finneth not. Tiro. What be the forty of them that walk.after the Spirit? Sr L. Two: Some throng, as 'Ora- barn, David, (g-c. Some weak, as the A- polties of Chrift were before the al- cenfion of the Lord. T a M. What be the marlZes of one that walk, after the Spirit ? S r L. Thefe two : Fiat, an earneft defire both to know, and to walk in the good way. Secondly, a fincere for - row for his failings and falls, and ari hog by repentance,and the contrary to thofe five before mentioned. T r . What profit comer there of thefe shings? .M I S I L. Firft, it reproves filch as boaft that they are in Chrift,and yet fhew the contrary by their walking after the fiefh. Secondly, it alfureth them that walke after the Spirit, that they are the very members of Chrift.Finally,it tea - cheth all men, that fan &ification of the, Spirit, is an unfèparabie coütpanion', and fruit of oar juftification by faith : moiflure and water, heat and fire, light and Sunne, are not more firmly united then faith and holineffe. DIALOGUE II. Verde 2. For the Lam of the Spirit oflife which io Cbrift IeJur, bathfreed or delivered mee from the Law offin and death. Tant o T sa Eu i. Hat it the drift and putpoje of this Scripture? S t L. It is a proof and confirmation of the former verfe, and of the latter part of it,( as fortis think) by a reafon taken from the efficient and begetting caul of holy converfation; to wit, the Spirit of Chrift given to the faithful', who having communion with Chrift, have allo fellowfhip with his Spirir.Sut I rather take it to be the proof of the former part of the fentence,confirming to us, that there is no condemnation to fuch as are in Chriff,which is confirmed by this reafon, becaufe the Spirit of life which is in Chrift the head, being al- lowed unto his members, cloth quite a= boli(h fin and death, that though fin remain in them, yet it (hall have no force to condemn them. TIM. What then do you think the fan' and fub f tance ofthir verfe to be? S a L. This verfe together with the three following, is to be expounded of the third part of our jollification; to wit,of the perfe& holineffe of Chrïfts humane nature,imputed to us,as the re- medy and cover of our molt defiled na- ture, of the delivery of our impure na= tune, by the imputation of Chrifts fan -_ &ified nature. T t nt. What be the parts eftbis Text ? Si L. The parts be four.Firft,what that is whereby wears freed, [ For the Law of the Spirit, &e.] Secondly, what manner of thing this freedoms is. Y 2 Thirdly, 245 i