238 An Expofition upon Chap.& oufneffe and falvation with freedome that are (inners. For the Law(by Gods from fin and death, becaufe of the in- ordinance)could juflifie us,and bring us finality ofour (le(h; therefore it was of to life eternal!. neceffty, that Chrifi fhould take our T t m. But how is it that the Law cannot nature full of holineffe,to doe that for juflifie and make to righteous, Teeing it us which the Law could not do,that is, dotb teach a perfect rigbteoufnef ? to deftroy fin and death , and to make S I L, It is true indeed, that the Law them(which by faith lay hold on him) inftruE eth us fully,both what is to be fo abfolutely righteous as the Law re- done , and what is to be avoided ; but quires. For thus the cafe dandeth,that there are three other things required to not only our thoughts , words, and the jutlifying of us, which ids impof(ì- works, fhould be free from finne, and ble for the Law to do for us. As fir(!, to wholly upright; but alío, that our na- offer us forgiveneffe of thole things we ture,even the very faculties of our rea- do again(} theLaw,which accufeth, but fon and will,fhould be in all things con- abfolveth not. Secondly, to work faith formable to Gods will revealed in his in us,to lay hold upon forgiveneffe be- Law,as Adam was in his creation, and inp offered, which theLaw cannot en according to that which is written,Love gender. Thirdly, to put drength and God with all thine heart , &c. Now be- power into us, that we may be able to caufe none, no not thegodlied,do ever keep all the commandements of the get this perfeEtion while they are here, Law, to the end of our life. All which (their nature fill remaining corrupt in things are impollible to the Law , be- part,and rebelling again fl God, Rom, caul it only inftruEleth what to do ;bus 7.2 2.) therefore all mud needs have pe- minidreth no drength to do, that it rifhed,except our nature had been fully bids.lt promifeth life to the doers, and fan tifiedinthe man Chrifl, who is threatneth death to the tranfgreffors, freely allowed to the faithful!, to free but offereth no power to fanners, much them from condemnation, leffe gives faith to apprehend it;for this T r at. Divide the Text now into bit fe- is the office of the Gofpel,= Cor.3.6,7, yerallpart,. 8. The caule why there things are im- S r L. It hath thefe two parts : Fief, poffible to the Law,as becauleit is weak, the end for the which God Pent his Son that it, uneffeEtuall and feeble for thefe into the world,to wit,that the infirmity purpofes;which commeth not from the or weaknelfe of the Law ( by occcafion Law,bat from our fief] and corrupt na- of us and our fin ) fhould be no let, or tare. hinderance to mans falvation. Second- T i M. What doth the Flcfh fignifie here? ly, what ChrifJefus did beingf'ent, Sr L. That naughtineffe and finfull and come: he did by fin condemn fin in corruption, that through Adams fall the flea. paffed through all mankind, and doth T r M. What Law it meant here, and remain ili! even in men regenerate bot what it it that it cannot do? it is correEted and reformed in part in S t L. By Law is here meant,not the them,and that daily till it be abolifhed. Ceremonial!, but the Morali Law, T r as. What it the effeaf and fruit of which is impoffibleto juflifie a man be- this remaining corruption and f ene? fore God, or to bellow perfelì' righte- S I L. It cloth make the members of oufneffe upon him, as appeareth by the Chri(l, and new borne Children of beginning of the next verfe. God, unable 'aerially and fully to keep TIM. Tee it was fetid in the feventb the Law. As fief , becaufe through Chapter, that the Law was ordained unto force of this remaining corruption,they life? do :divers things contrary to the Law. S t L. The Apoflle fheweth there, Secondly , they leave undone many what it is able to do in his own nature; good things commanded by the Law. and here,what it is not able to do to us Thirdly,in the good things which they do