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Ver. 3. the Epiffle to the Romans. do, there be much imperfections and uncicannefs, therefore it is impof ible to be kept of the moft righteous that is. In our creation it was pothble, and in Rate of glorification (hall be,but in eftate of our unperfeft fan&ification,it cannot b -. T I M. to it not a wrong to God to fay, that he bath given to a Law unpogible to be ktept? S I L. No, none at all: Firft, becaufe in our Creation we received Ilrength to keep it, which we loft through our own default. Shall a Landlord be blamed, becaufe the Tenant is unable by his own unthriftinefs to pay his rent? Se- condly, becaufe in the cftate of glorifi- cation, we (hal have power to keep it perfe&, for then our knowledg and love of God and our neighbour (hall be per- fe&. Thirdly, becaufe in the date of regeneration, the godly may be Paid af- ter a fort, and in fome fen fe perfe &ly to keep it. For the regenerating Spirit hath begun in them obedience to the Law, giving them ftrength to delire and endeavour it. Alto their wants and fai- lings in their obedience are pardoned, and he is Paid to have no fin, when that is not imputed which is done. And lati- ly, the perfe&obedience of Chrift, is al- lowed unto the faithful!. Omnia manda- ta Dei(inquit Auguff,) faúa deputantur, quando quicquid non fit, ignofcitur. T IM. In whatfenfe it it then, that the Law is impofjble tobe lot? S I L. The wicked ;which are firan- gers from Chrill, are abfolutely unable to do any part of it, but break it throughout, l&om.5.S.Secondly,the re- generate and godly, they are not able by grace inherent in their own perlons perfe &lytodo it,but fail in many things and fundry waits, s John 1.7,8. James 3.2. T s sa. Declare unto or the profit that me are to matte of this doéfrine, touching the impcfjìbility of keeping the Low, and be- jag juffi fled by it. S s t. Firft, it convinceth and con - futeth both the Pelagian; and the Pa- ]pih : the one, becaufe they teach, that men by the ftrength ofnature are able to keep the Commandements: the o- 249 th ..r,that by ftrength of grace, the godly are not only able to keep the Law, but to do more then the Law requireth. Se- condly, it ferves to humble us much, that we cannot keep the Law, and that through our finfull weaknefs: alío to flit us up unto praier for grace to yeeld better obedience unto it, feeking that ftrength front God which we have not in our (elves, to be able in Coale meafure to yeeld obedience to the Law. Thirdly, it inftru&eth all the faithful!, to know, that juttification before God, is not to be had by good works, becaufe they are irnperfc &, not aníwerable to the rigour of the Law, and are all tlained by the corruption of the ffefh mingled with them. Fourthly,thisdoth teach us,that Peeing we cannot have juflification from the Law; therefore all men mull be con- tent to deny themfelves, and go out of themfelves and leek perfe& righteouf- nefs in another, to wir, even from the fort of God lent into the world, that he may be made man for us ; and the end of the law,forrighteoafnefs to all which beleeve. T r M. What are we to learn from thefe words, [That God fent bio own SonìJ S 1 L. There three feverall Leffons: Firft, the diflin&ion of the perlons in the Trinity; for lithe Son befent from the Father, of neceflity he is a perfon diiin& from the Father; which con - futeth Satellite, who held a diftin &ion not of perfons, but of names. Second- ly,that Chrift is the Son of God, other- wife then we are,even his own Son,that is,confubffantiall and coequal! with the Father, contrary to the Arriano, who denied the eternal! God -head of the Son, whom they make an inferiour fe- coed created God,-that is, indeed not a God at all. Thirdly, hence we !earn, that when the high and foveraign caufe of our falvation is fought for, we may not flay in Chrift himfelf, bur afire up unto the goodnefs of God the Father, fending his Son t which confuteth fiich as will have forefeen faith and works, to be the moving caufe of appointing us unto falvation; when as Chrift him- felt is not the impulfive moving caufe of appointing