Ver .3.. the Epifile to the Romans. nation being put for that which fol- lowes it, as condemned perlons of to be taken out of the world that they may be no more: fo is fin from us by the im- putation of Chrifis perfe&ly fan&ified manhood:for though fin remaine in the godly,yet it is as if it were not , being not imputed; as Augufline faid,Quicq.eid ille non imputere deerevit,ticef! quafa non fuerat. T i M. What ú t o be render flood by this word when hefaitb,[For finer?] St L. Some interpret [ For_zane ] of finne, becaufe finne did unju[ily fet up- on Chrift to get hint to dye, and to be crucieled, fee I ohn 16.9. Secondly, [ For finne,] by fome doth lignifie for remiflt- onof finnes.Rom.5.6.8. Thirdly, force interpret [For frane,] to be a facrifice for finne, 2 Cor.5. 21. ButI take it this word,(For finne ] mull bejoyned tothe word [ Sent] and then it noteth the fi- nall caule or end, for the which Chrift became man, namely, to take away, chafe, and drive finne out of our nature which he tooke upon him;for this text fpeaketh of his incarnation, and not of his facrifice and death. T I M. What it our inffruc5lion then from theft loft work'? S r L. This, that all true Chriftians (land in extreame need, not onely of his paffion and death, in being made a curie, or of his perfe& obedience in do- ing the will of God in his life; but of his very incarnation,and ofhis moll ho- ly and pure manhood : becaufe other - wife it is not poftìble that ever any be- leeving Chriftian fhould be faved, but that they fhould all perifh : and Chrift with whatfoever he is or hath,as by te- ftimony ofScripture given to us, ordai- ned for us and our falvation. T a M. Wby do yefay fo? bow can they perifb forwhom Chriff dyed, and for whom be kept the Law? S 1 L. Becaufe none can have eternall life in heaven, unleffe they have the ab- folute perfe& righteoufneife which the Law exa ð,one principal! part where- of is the perfe &integrity of our nature; our will and reafon being conformed and fafhioned agreeably to the perte& julliceofGod revealed in his Law, fo as there be not theleafl inclination, or proneneffe to any evil!, but a through difpofition to every good thing. This full perfc &ion the Law is not able ( as we have heard ) co eflca and worke iii us,becaufe it is weake through one cor- ruption,whereby we are made unable to anfwer it. And therefore if we fhould notfinde this perfe& righteoufnefe and integrity, which the Law requireth of them that are to live forever, in the hu- mane nature of Chrift, and have it al= lowed and given to Fisch as doe beleeve in him, it were unpoffible that any fhould be faved, becaufe nothing that is unclean and unholy, (ball enter into the new Jerufalern,Revel. 21.27. And our nature even afterregeneration and faith, it is fill! defiled by the remainder of fin. Howbeit Chrift is not divided, he that bath one part of his Mediatorfhip, bath the whole, like a ladder where no one (lale can be lacking. TIM. What profit is there to besmade of this? S I L. Firfl, itteacheth Chriftians to be noleffe thankful for Chrifis incarna- tion, then for his paffion. Secondly, it ferves to humble even the godlieft that are, to thinke upon their dwelling and remaining fin for the abolifhing where- of,God mull defcend and be made man. Thirdly, it helpes to comfort the weak ones,when they are tempted to doubt of their falvation through the in-bred cor- ruption which they carry about them, and provokes them to fin againft God. Let them by a true faith confider of Chriftt his moil perfe& natural! inno- cency, that it is no leffe reckoned to them for healing their defiled nature, then his obedience and fufferings for re- million ofa &+tall finnes,and acquitting them from eternal! deltru&ion. 2 I DIALoGuE ¡III. Verte 4, That the ri g beeoufnefre ofthe Law might be fulfilled in ur,tbat Ovalle, not of erthe f ie fh, Eut after the Spirit. mania, -_